Dream premonition or symbolic?

Vivid dream, 31/12/11

God what a dream,

Me and Matt, my husband, were driving the reo, his ex American army truck, through a military complex, with metal railings and war burial memorials, white ones, we were asking directions, on the mobile phone, it was a sunny day, clear blue skies, and we were driving down, over through steep cliffs, near the sea.

Matt wasn’t paying attention to the road ahead, excitedly jumping about, and looking around for a famous, memorial. and I was fussing for him to watch where he was driving. He hit the side off the road, and went off road , losing control of the truck, and driving, through the complex, and memorial, I said “watch out” he said “shit” as we drove over the cliff edge. We looked at each other, knowing this is it, and hugged each other bracing for impact.

My dream, then switched to the outside view, like you’d see in films,

And I could see the reo truck, falling down, the cliff face, and grazing a ledge, and railings, flipping the truck, round so it was falling backend first. and as it flipped over, i fell out of the back, and was left floating in the air, while i watched, Matt and the truck, hit the rocks, and explode.
Then I woke up to “ mummmmm dinners ready,”

Ughhhhh !!!!! ~ gets a cloth and wipes sweat from brow ~

the dream, was in full colour, and very vivid was actually like real life, like watching a movie, and was either, in the west country, of England, in the summer, or in Europe somewhere. he is mad on military things, and just the sort of place he would visit, for real.

was this a premonition, of his , our death or metaphorical. about a separation/ divorce.

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