I had another sleep later in the day, and again, Spirit, was telling me about the messages in my dream, about ragnorak, and the child rogue planet, it was explained, to me.
- on a personnel level, my own fears about my son, and his anxiety, mental and emotional developement, his ocd, and aspergers, although, me and my ex husband, always supported him, as best we could and can, the rescent split between us has caused him a lot of emotional trauma. and caused him to regress mentally, emotionally, plus he is also going through bodily, hormonel , and spiritual changes, being he is now 18.
- on a global scale, the mass collective consciousness, the mis-conseptions, mis-information, mis-direction, the mis-intepretations, that have caused globel fears and the feeling,s of seperation.
the solutions, presented to me in my dream, as we try to find a balance between dark and light, raise our global. collective, and individual vibrations, grow in spirit, from a young planet, and the planetery avatars, evolving, ascending, learning, together as One, having more patience, love, compassion, tolerance, and respect, for one another. living in harmony with one another in nature, in peace.
In effect creating , a new existance. Earth.