Truth of Self

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Marcion of Sinope

Marcion of Sinope was an influential early Christian theologian who lived around 85-160 AD. He is best known for founding Marcionism, a belief system that distinguished between the vengeful God of the Old Testament and the loving God of the New Testament, whom he believed sent Jesus Christ.


The Deified King Lugalbanda

Lugalbanda was a legendary Sumerian king of Uruk, often considered a hero in Mesopotamian mythology. He is known for his adventures and heroic deeds, and is also notable for being the father of the famous hero Gilgamesh, as mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. His consort was Ninsun, a goddess, and he was later deified and worshipped in various Mesopotamian cities.

The Goddess Ninsun

Ninsun, also known as Ninsumun, was a Mesopotamian goddess revered for her wisdom, beauty, and maternal care. She is best known as the mother of Gilgamesh, the hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the wife of the deified king Lugalbanda. Ninsun's name, which means "Lady of the Wild Cows," reflects her association with bovine qualities, symbolizing nurturing and fertility.

The Goddess Ereshkigal

Ereshkigal is a prominent figure in Mesopotamian mythology, known as the goddess of the underworld. Her name translates to "Queen of the Great Earth" or "Lady of the Great Place." She rules over the land of the dead, often referred to as Kur or Irkalla, and is responsible for keeping the dead within her realm and preventing the living from entering.

The Igigi lesser gods

The term "Igigi" refers to a group of mythological figures in Mesopotamian mythology. They are often considered the younger gods who served the Anunnaki, the major deities. According to the Atrahasis myth, the Igigi were tasked with laborious work for the Anunnaki until they eventually rebelled due to the harsh conditions.

The Goddess Ninhursag

Ninhursag, also known as Ninmah, Damgalnuna, Nintu, Belet-Ili, Shassuru, and Damkina or Ninursag, was an ancient Sumerian mother goddess associated with fertility, mountains, and the creation of life. She was one of the seven great deities of Sumer and was often depicted as a nurturing figure, symbolizing the earth and its ability to produce life.

The Sumerian cosmology

The Sumerian cosmology is a fascinating blend of mythology and early scientific thought. The Sumerians envisioned the universe as a closed dome surrounded by a primordial saltwater sea. The earth was seen as a flat disc beneath this dome, with an underworld and a freshwater ocean called the Abzu beneath it.

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Fun Facts

The largest meteorite crater in the world is in Winslow, Arizona. It is 4,150 feet across and 150 feet deep.


Sun in Leo
4 degrees
Moon in Aries
26 degrees
Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon
21 days old
Pity arises when we are sorry for someone Compassion is when we understand and help wisely
Cosmic History

The Sun is the coordinating consciousness and mind of the solar system; the ancient Maya were attuned to and in resonance with this solar consciousness.

Cosmic History Quote
2024-07-27, day 2 of Moon 1, Magnetic Moon (26 Jul - 22 Aug)

Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Aries

crescent moon buttonAries sign glyph symbol

Moon is traveling through Aries today. Watch your head, but do jump in. It's time to conquer.

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Sovereignty and the Authority Problem

You are a sovereign being. Sovereign essentially means “self-possessed”, or in other words, you own yourself. Nobody else is capable of directing or governing your body or your mind except yourself.

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Marcion of Sinope

Marcion of Sinope was an influential early Christian theologian who lived around 85-160 AD. He is best known for founding Marcionism, a belief system that distinguished between the vengeful God of the Old Testament and the loving God of the New Testament, whom he believed sent Jesus Christ.


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Spiritual birthing, manifesting your twinsoulmate/twinflame , into reality, 16th july, 2024

A couple of months ago, I had a vivid strange dream,     I was communicating to my twin, in the womb, I could see us, like two embryos, side by side, male and femal

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The God Marduk

Marduk was a prominent god in ancient Mesopotamian religion, particularly revered in the city of Babylon. Initially, a god of thunderstorms, he rose to become the chief deity of Babylon and was later known simply as Bel, meaning “Lord”.

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