Category: Unconditional love

Only the Brainwashed fear Brainwashing

A figure walking through a misty forest toward a sunlit meadow

Here’s my personal Quote for the day: “Brainwashed people are terrified of being brainwashed, and might “kill” you, to prevent you from speaking, to avoid that intense, internalised and denied fear. People who are not brainwashed, have no fear of the ideas of others. They broke their brainwashing and have their truth. It takes an …

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Where is your enemy?

The human inclination towards community is a double-edged sword; it fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity, yet it can inadvertently lead to division. This paradox arises from our tendency to categorize and group individuals, often overlooking the nuanced tapestry of human individuality.

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Christ Consciousness and Unconditional Love

Contrasting unconditional love with unconditional positive regard, understanding that true Christ Consciousness will deliver divine knowledge.

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