Good Vibrations: How to Vibrate Happiness

From our guest author Holly Fox

Humans are composed of mostly energy. How much is mostly? To answer that question, I will refer to my favorite physics fact: if you took all 7 billion people on this planet, all of our matter could fit inside a sugar cube. Yep. We could fit in a sugar cube. All 7 billion of us…and I bet that would be the stinkiest cube ever!

As we begin to understand that we are energy and not much else, it is important to know that our energy vibrates at different frequencies and that these frequencies correspond to our emotions. What does that mean? Take for example: a guitar string. Strings on a guitar have different vibrations when played. Like guitar strings, our vibration is different and varied. Although, most individuals’ energetic vibrations have a baseline, our emotions are what play the variance.

It is not surprising that lower frequencies of vibration are calibrated with emotions of anger, fear and anxiety. While, higher vibrational frequencies are associated with feelings of love, happiness and peace.

Another way to think of your vibration is in terms: heavy versus light. If I feel sad (lower vibration), I feel heavy. If I feel happy (higher vibration), I feel light. Some good advice: If you find yourself wavering over a decision, go with the answer that makes you feel the lightest.

Since our emotions carry vibrational frequency and not bodies you might ask: What about my brain? Don’t my emotions come from my brain? And isn’t my brain a part of my body? Well, no and yes. The brain is a neutral center where the intake happens. Your emotions are the feedback to the intake. The brain itself, like the body and your cells, is neutral. It is our thoughts and emotions that fire or charge our cells with vibrational frequencies. And your thoughts, which create your emotions, are never neutral.

To further explain, your body is non-sentient, which means, your brain cannot experience your brain, just like your arm cannot experience your arm. Your consciousness or awareness is sentient. Think of your conscious awareness as the context, to which you experience this thing called life or the content.

Your conscious awareness chooses your emotions, based on either: (a) subconscious (automatic response system, based on beliefs), which accounts for 94-98% of all your thoughts or (b) conscious (present choice awareness/free will).

Next we need to understand how our beliefs play into our emotions. If you did not have beliefs, you would be neutral and rather detached. Whatever we believe is true, the brain does not discern between false and fact—only our beliefs make it so.

How do we utilize our beliefs and choose emotions in order to vibrate at a higher and happier frequency? When people talk about happiness being a choice, you will find it not only takes practice; but it is important to understand how we can arrive to choice. It is not as easy as it sounds but once you know the steps, it is possible.

First, let’s talk about how being in the present-state of conscious awareness plays a supreme role. Let’s call that role the observer. When you are in a present state of awareness you are literally not thinking about the past or future. You are merely observing what is going on around you in the present moment, without judgment or projections of past thoughts onto your unknown future (a.k.a. future tripping).

When we are freed from past thoughts and future projections, we are a blank canvas and become aware of choice and the power of free will. We are free to believe whatever we want to believe or have whatever emotion we want to have. We forget this is an inherent freedom, a choice, and it is only our responsibility to be happy—not someone else’s.

What are some of the roadblocks to choosing happiness? For starters, we are our biggest roadblocks. We get in our own ways all the time and this is no exception. One of the ways in which we do this is by our unwillingness to let stuff go! Forgiveness to either yourself or others is key to letting go. If you are unable to forgive the past, whether it was your crappy upbringing, your ex partner that messed you up so bad that you have PTSD, or any myriad of people, places, ideas and things that you don’t like, hate, regret, etc., this will leave you very stuck—in the past. Forgiveness is a synonym for healing, for it is the way in which past hurts can healed.

Why can forgiveness be so hard? When your past hurts become your identity, the idea of forgiveness feels like death. Who would I be if I didn’t have this past hurt to drag around and show people? Would anyone love me? Would anyone find me interesting? What would I talk about? Or How would I manipulate?

People use their past hurts as a form of manipulation. To be fair, most people are unaware they are doing it. Manipulation by past hurts is done by: excusing behaviors, checking out of life, and ta dah not claiming responsibility for your own happiness. I would like to take a moment to address clinical depression. If you feel like you have depression, please seek professional help. Sometimes we need outside help for more serious and long-term bouts of unhappiness.

Next let’s talk about our beliefs and how this plays a role in our happiness. What you believe—you will perceive. And what you believe, you will experience because it is your consciousness that is experiencing the content, not the body. And remember, the brain is neutral so it has a great capacity to learn anything you teach it, as long as you have the willingness to learn—it’s ready for whatever you want to feed it. This is why affirmations are handy. If you tell yourself “I am healthy” 500 times a day, you will most likely not get sick. Your body reacts and behaves according to your beliefs.

Understanding how our beliefs are formed will help us choose emotions and re-program the mind. From the age of birth to around 3-5, we believe whatever our brains take in and this is the foundation of our subconscious belief system. At this point we are unable to make judgments on the information we receive. We are literally sponges and trust the information given to us by our parents (or acting parents) because those are the people that are taking care of us and keeping us alive. At this point, we don’t question their motives or belief systems.

This sponging encompasses observing behaviors too. For example: We might not have been taught that women need to be a size 6 in order to be pretty, loved and desired. However, by observing behaviors of our mothers, sisters and the all mighty babysitter media, this observation has turned into a subconscious belief.

I find it noteworthy that most of our subconscious beliefs are established at a very young and impressionable age! If you want to get to the root of any problem that seems to be a reoccurring theme in your life—chances are your subconscious beliefs are the place you should look!

When you have a belief that you know is ridiculous or no longer serving you, yet you still can’t seem to shake it, more than likely it is a part of your subconscious belief system. Once you recognize where the belief comes from, you can work on changing it by thought monitoring and conscious belief replacement, (I talk about this more in-depth on my blog, I Am Crazy). Like a habit, once you become aware you are doing it, it is not longer a habit—it is a choice! Again, taking responsibility for our choices and exercising free will allows for positive changes in our lives.

Why this any of this is important to know? Simply, we are meant to be happy. It is our human nature to strive to be happy because it is engrained in our conscious evolution to be so. We are here to vibrate at high frequencies and are able to do so because we are energy.

When we start to identify ourselves as energetic beings, instead of stuck in our bodies and victims of circumstance, we are able to start taking responsibility for our life from the inside out.

Follow Holly at her website

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