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Liberating Reiki Myths
Tagged: Reiki Myths
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August 20, 2014 at 10:49 am #1046
Here are modern Reiki myths, some of which span from the sublime, to the ridiculous.
When we examine the human intervention of a sacred science such as Reiki we need to consider that as human beings, we are subject to our own conditioned reality.
This conditioning flavours the way we see the world and in many respects represents a considerable amount of the Reiki Myths written in the pages which follow.
The following Myths about Reiki actually come from Reiki Masters who believe them to be true. As you will appreciate, some of these concepts are so amusing that when I heard them I thought it was said ‘as a joke’.
The thing is there are all sorts of people out there with all kinds of ideas and experiences. So as a way to celebrate their ‘uniqueness’, let us take a walk down the Reiki mythological path.
Some of these Reiki Myths have been held to be true by many teachers, for many years and I do not wish to disrespect them. It is simply a matter at looking logically at how things are.
Read through the following with an open mind and heart and check these contentious items for yourself, that way you can be your own guide.Myth 1: You cannot give Reiki self-treatments when lying down.
The Rationale: Because you are not grounded whilst lying down.
The Reality: Applying self-healing is by no means restricted to your physical orientation. Reiki self-treatments can be given in any circumstance, whether this be seated, lying down or standing on your head, for example when combining your Reiki self treatment with yoga! The idea that Reiki transmissions are limited to the feet being planted firmly on the ground has no affect whatsoever in an effective Reiki self-treatment.Myth 2: If the fingers are spread out during a treatment, the Reiki energy will not flow.
The Rationale: The fingers must be together to activate the Reiki energy.
The Reality: Reiki energy flows regardless of whether the fingers are spread out or together. One could say that if the fingers are spread widely, then this will affect a radiating qualityto the energy which will not only work on the area where the hands are in contact but radiate Reiki energy to the surrounding areas. When the fingers are kept together, the effect is much the same however the Reiki energy is slightly more concentrated in the placement of the hands on the body.
Myth 3: Reiki must be administered from the head to the feet and one must not go back to places covered after they have been treated during the session.
The Rationale: If you go over previous hand positions, you will disrupt the bodies’ energy flow.
The Reality: Reiki can be applied with great results no matter which sequence is used. It makes no difference to the effectiveness of the treatment whether one commences a treatment from the head to the feet or from the feet to the head. If the practitioner then goes back to previous hand placements on the body, this can only benefit and further increase the amount of Reiki energy flowing into this part of the body. In no way does this cause a disruption to the bodies natural flow of energy.Myth 4: If the hands are placed on a recipients’ body and are not precisely in place, the Reiki energy will not flow.
The Rationale: Reiki only works when the hands are placed in the positions which correspond to the sequence given. For example: the 12 treatment hand positions.
The Reality: When we examine the many Reiki traditions we find particularly in the Japanese systems that the emphasis on sequential hand positions is not emphasized. Yet even within the western schools where this myth was born, the placement of the hands bears no direct result in the transference of universal energy. The use of a set sequence of hand positions was first established by Chujiro Hayashi, one of Mikao Usui’s trained teachers as part of a standardized form of treatment. The basis for this form of hand positions was simply to make sure the practitioner placed their hands on all of the major organs and places of energy flow in the body. It makes no difference which sequence is used or if some or all are included. Reiki works regardless and is as simple as: ‘Hands on, Reiki on, Hands off, Reiki off’.Myth 5: You cannot do Reiki whilst you are asleep.
The Rationale: Reiki only flows when the facilitators mind is conscious and awake.
The Reality: Nothing could be further from the truth. Regardless of the practitioners’ state of consciousness, Reiki energy can be transferred, whether the channel is conscious; in an altered state; or asleep for the matter.Giving yourself Reiki whilst going to sleep is an extremely beneficial practice and considering we spend approximately a third of our lives in this state, this is a tremendous opportunity to practice Reiki. If you have ever had the experience of someone falling asleep whilst giving you a Reiki treatment, (as I have) you will know that this precious myth bears no factual basis.
Myth 6: You cannot apply Reiki energy to broken bones.
The Rationale: Reiki will work so fast as to knit the bone which may need to be re-broken and then re-set.
The Reality: The myth about not giving Reiki to broken bones is a long standing misunderstanding of the healing effect of Reiki energy. Reiki does assist the bodies’ natural ability to heal itself and to bring about relief for a variety of aches and pains.However, Reiki will not knit a broken bone during an initial first aid treatment.
The rationale behind this myth comes from the concept that if someone had a badly broken bone which required to be reset by a physician, then during the time between the injury and receiving the treatment, (assuming weeks had not passed) that by administering Reiki on a bone which needed setting, the bone would fuse.
This would then result in a re-setting, thereby breaking the fusion as a result of the Reiki healing. Reiki is fast working for pain relief and swelling but it is not fast acting super glue!
Unfortunately this myth has now extended beyond the original view of bone fusing, (which in itself is complete nonsense), to practitioners who encounter broken bones, avoiding treatment all together. A broken bone is a tremendously painful and shocking experience. I’ve managed to break a few in my time and the direct application of Reiki in this situation can have an enormous benefit, both in the reduction of swelling and pain management.The reality is that one should always apply basic first aid and consult the expertise of a trained and caring medical practitioner. One would also use an ice pack or alike to prevent further swelling of the injury as well as to project Reiki energy to the area of concern.
Never withhold your Reiki ability to someone in need. You would be doing them a tremendous dis-service whilst preventing that person with urgent relief to their injury.
Reiki will always travel (no matter where the hands are placed) to the area of most need in the body.Myth 7: You cannot give Reiki to women who are pregnant within the first 3 months of pregnancy.
The Rationale: Reiki could trigger an abortion.
The Reality: This myth is believed to be born out of the fear of litigation amongst Reiki practitioners. If in the event a woman in the early stages of her term, resulted in a natural miscarriage, and the woman concerned was receiving Reiki treatments, the practitioner may be blamed for the miscarriage.Reiki energy is safe energy and in no way can it contribute to the loss of life. If anything the administrations of Reiki during pregnancy aids both mother and baby in numerous ways. The more Reiki is received during this time, the better for all concerned.
Myth 8: You should not give Reiki to anyone for more than one and a half hours.
The Rationale: You can over energise a person, and overload their energetic system resulting in an imbalance in their energy body.
The Reality: You cannot give either yourself or anyone else too much Reiki energy. Long treatments will not have any detrimental effect on the energy system. In fact the opposite is practically guaranteed.
Provided one is using what is regarded as sound traditional Reiki methods, the energy of Reiki will not overload a persons’ energy system. For those who have experienced ‘Reiki Marathons’ or group treatments administered by numerous practitioners, one can attest to the enormous benefits gained.Perhaps one way to look at the length of time for treatments is to draw the analogy of our body being a vessel which is being filled up with energy. Once a vessel if filled to the brim, it is not necessary to keep on filling it simply because it is full. Much like our own bodies, with Reiki once the person has received all the energy they need, it is not necessary to keep on giving Reiki to that person. If any side effects could be seen from over use of a Reiki treatment, the recipient may feel somewhat spacey, however, drinking lots of water and taking some time to come back to the planet soon remedies this feeling.
Most people who receive a long treatment will feel like they could drift off into a relaxing sleep.
Treatment hint: Each person’s body is like a container which needs to be filled to restore balance. Give the person what they need. Once the glass is full, complete the session.Myth 9: If a person does not use Reiki, their ability will diminish and they will be required to be re-attuned to Reiki.
The Rationale: The person will become un-attuned to the Reiki energy if they do not regularly practice.
The Reality: I believe this myth sprung up as a way to encourage new students to practice. In reality once a person has received the Reiki attunements from a qualified Reiki teacher, the energy will not vanish due to lack of practice by the individual. It can be said however, that if one does not practice regularly, then it becomes difficult to gain a sound relationship with the energy. Although the Reiki energy is ‘on tap’ 24/7, it is through daily practice that one builds confidence and ability. Even if we learnt a Reiki class years’ ago and have not used the practices from the class since, the energy is still running in the background. If a student has had a long break from Reiki, then it is also advisable to review a Reiki class and even be re-initiated by the teacher concerned. Not for the reason of necessity, rather that the attunements act as a positive blessing and opens the student to greater amounts of Universal healing energy.Myth 10: You cannot receive more than the standard Reiki attunements.
The Rationale: Additional Reiki attunements will cancel out previous attunements and overload the bodies’ energy system.
The Reality: In some systems of Reiki, the practice of regular self-attunement or receiving additional attunements from the teacher is an integral part of spiritual development within the system of Reiki. As explained previously, the attunements give a blessing and bestowal of Universal healing energy, which can only be of assistance to our health and well-being. Perhaps this myth was born out of some teachers desire to retain their students, so they would not learn additional Reiki levels elsewhere. In Japans traditional Reiki Society, (The Reiki Gakkai), the transmissions of the Reiki attunements take place weekly to increase the practitioners relationship with the energy. Other Reiki traditions employ the use of group or multiple attunements to greatly increase the potency of the energy. Whichever tradition you follow, there is no harm and certainly many benefits to receiving regular attunements in Reiki.Myth 11: Reiki Masters must make Reiki their only source of income.
The Rationale: It is said to be a part of the Reiki Tradition.
The Reality: This Myth began with Mrs Takata (a key teacher in the Western Reiki Lineage). It was supported by many Reiki Masters who considered it essential that to be a ‘Master’ of the system was to let Reiki be their only source of income. As a result many have suffered greatly as their financial resources rapidly dwindled. Not to mention the high fees charged by some teachers, making this requirement for many, unachievable.
The result was teachers stopped teaching because they could not afford to live. It is quite acceptable to have numerous interests as a teacher of Reiki and to pursue worldly enterprises to support ones spiritual endeavours. Logical, isn’t it?Myth 12: You cannot give a Reiki treatment to a person who is wearing a pacemaker.
The Rationale: If will affect the pacemaker, rendering it ineffective due to Reiki’s electromagnetic frequency.
The Reality: There has been no proof to substantiate whether this myth has any basis whatsoever. Whether this concept was derived from a faulty pacemaker which at the time decided to give up on life or whether it was a way to increase the dogmatic approaches some teachers insisted on taking, remains unknown. If indeed Reiki targeted pacemakers over other electronic equipment, how does one propose a way to measure this fact.
There is in fact no evidence to support that Reiki actually is electromagnetic in nature or for the matter, affects the normal function of pacemakers.
One might then suggest avoiding the heart area of the client, however, as we all know, Reiki travels to the areas of concern. One might conclude not treating people who have a pacemaker. This of course is no solution and if indeed practiced would only serve to support an unfounded superstition.Myth 13: You cannot apply Reiki healing to someone’s crown Chakra.
The Rationale: This will disrupt their energy flow.
The Reality: Reiki is completely safe. In no way will it harm a person or disrupt their energy flow, if anything, it will only serve to enhance it. This myth I have heard in many circles for many years. One reason for its use stems from some religious eastern traditions where one does not touch the crown of a persons head however this is only confined to their religious belief systems. Reiki is not a belief system nor is it a dualistic energy that could cause a mis-alignment or interference with another’s energy system. In most Reiki traditions the attunements are given via the crown chakra, and as it has been proven time again, Reiki attunements switch on ones’ healing ability.
If you have a particular religious belief that the crown of your head is not to be touched, then this is fine, however, one should be mindful that it is not a part of the traditional Reiki teachings.Myth 14: You cannot do Reiki distance healing without the persons’ permission.
The Rationale: The person concerned must give consent.
The Reality: It is often a courtesy to ask permission before giving Reiki to another distantly however this in no way should act as a limitation. When we consider what we are offering to another, then the benefit far outweighs the need for approval or consent. One of the fun ways to experiment with distance healing is to set up some blind experiments with someone you know, where the person you are administering the distance healing to is simply asked to lie down at a specific time and to notice what they are feeling if anything for the duration of the treatment. Some teachers advocate the example of driving a car when receiving a treatment. However, the Reiki energy would never place another individual in danger.
The key point to remember is that permission is preferred but not necessary when giving healing to another.*This myth can bring to different opinions
Myth 15: You cannot give Reiki to someone in a coma.
The Rationale: The person concerned must give consent.
The Reality: For similar reasons to the previous myth, this is yet another example where logic and reason have left the building.Myth 16: You cannot give Reiki to someone who has died.
The Rationale: The Reiki will bind the individual to this world.
The Reality: One thing that never goes out of fashion is dying. Once a person has died, one can assist the mind stream of the individual however there are some parameters concerning the most effective use of Reiki in this situation.
In my book ‘Reiki Healer –A complete guide to the path and practice of Reiki’ (Lotus Press), I give the precise instructions of how one may assist a dying person with Reiki. The idea that a Reiki session, whether distant or hands-on will bind a person from making their transition has no basis. In most cases, one can send distant healing from the period of the point of *death and for the following 30 minutes, then from day three up to a period of 49 days. Beyond this time, the mind stream of the dead one has most certainly moved on.{* Based on the teachings presented in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.}
So there is no harm in giving Reiki to someone who has died and it can be most useful. Perhaps just as important, is the healing and nurturing that can be given to loved ones who are grieving. Reiki is a wonderful and powerful way to assist in the grieving and letting go of those who have passed.Myth 17: You cannot give Reiki to someone who is under anaesthetic.
The Rationale: Reiki energy will bring the person out of the anaesthetic during the operation.
The Reality: Like many other unfounded belief based myths surrounding the application of Reiki and its effect on modern medicines, this superstition has no basis. I have even heard of patients advising their anaesthetist to be sure to increase the amount of anaesthetic as they would be receiving a distant Reiki treatment during the operation. Thankfully, I have also not heard of a case where an anaesthetist actually took the advice of the patient.Reiki is a safe and intelligent energy, its use does not create a circumstance where it will place a recipient in danger. Likewise adjusting or reducing medication without the consultation and guidance of a trained medical physician is another dangerous and reckless notion.
One example of this was of a person who suffered from extreme epilepsy and would have an explosive fit if his medication was altered. On the unfortunate advice of a Reiki practitioner, he gradually began to reduce his medication. What resulted was a serious fit which placed the individuals’ life in danger. Fortunately, the patients’ physician found out about his patients activities and swiftly enforced his necessary medication. I believe the Reiki practitioner was also heavily reprimanded by the patients’ family. A practitioner dabbling in the lives of their clients can not only seriously endanger their client, but they could also see themselves being prosecuted for serious neglect and malpractice.
Myth 18: You cannot give an individual Reiki on the base Chakra.
The Rationale: This will spark the Kundalini energy to rise.
The Reality: The use of Reiki on the base of the body will not in of itself activate a Kundalini experience and is completely safe.
Reiki of itself will not cause a Kundalini experience for the recipient or for the practitioner. The application of Reiki to the base of the body is a beneficial practice; however one should place their hands above the area concerned and then only with the client’s consent. A Reiki practitioner must adhere to correct levels of touch, so the breasts and genital areas are (for obvious reasons), out of bounds.Unless the individual has specifically requested hands-on, (in the case of physical conditions, for example breast cancer), then only when both parties are comfortable with this, may this occur.
If one was to use the specific practices to raise the spinal energy (Kundalini) from the base of the body, then one would need to employ these practices which include certain breathing exercises and body positions to generate a Kundalini outcome. One should never engage in Kundalini practices unless under the close guidance of a qualified and experienced master.Myth 19: You cannot give Reiki to another unless you concentrate.
The Rationale: Reiki energy only flows via concentration of the mind.
The Reality: If this myth were true, then Reiki would fall into the category of being a belief based, dualist energy practice. The reality is that once a person has had their Reiki ability switch-on via the Reiki attunement procedure, the energy is flowing all the time. It is only our awareness which is not sure of its presence. Reiki certainly can be increased by our concentration and we will be more aware of this interaction if we focus our minds on the processes at hand.
However, Reiki will also be effective if our minds are engaged in other activities.For example: whilst holding a conversation; watching television; eating a meal; sleeping; making love, or during meditation practice. The use of our minds is one of the most beneficial things to cultivate and it is encouraged to enhance concentration and awareness whilst giving Reiki to oneself or others, but the results are not dependant upon it.
Myth 20: You can only sign the Reiki symbols with your dominant hand.
The Rationale: Only your dominant hand has the ability to manifest the energy field of Reiki symbols.
The Reality: This myth stems from certain forms of Reiki where the attunement procedure in the Second Degree only attunes the student’s dominant hand with the Reiki symbols.Mikao Usui never favoured one hand over the other however the understanding that one side of the body is ‘yin’ (passive) and other ‘yang’ (active) is present. However, this has no bearing on the signing of symbols. Even if your initiating teacher for Second Degree only attuned your dominant hand, the manifestation of the Reiki energy via the Reiki symbols is a total body experience.
Myth 21: You cannot give Reiki to someone if you are unwell.
The Rationale: The practitioner will be drained or will transfer their ill-health to the patient.
The Reality: Not so. The first thing we must understand is that when we are giving Reiki to either ourselves or another, we are not expending our own life-force energy. Reiki is an additional source of life-force energy. Counter to this myth, when one gives Reiki to another, the Reiki energy must first pass through the body of the practitioner before it is passed onto another. If one is feeling depleted or unwell, a treatment will actually increase our own vital energy and state of mind.The second point is that one will pass their own illness to the person they are giving Reiki to. This is highly unlikely. Somatic transference where one feels the symptoms of another can and does happen during treatments however, this is usually an indicator for the practitioner. In many Reiki traditions, specific methods are utilized to prevent these forms of energy transference and other indicators are utilized by the practitioner.
Another point to mention is that one should always consider ones own personal health and energy levels. It is okay to say no to facilitate a Reiki treatment when you could use a treatment yourself.Myth 22: You cannot give someone Reiki on their spine.
The Rationale: You may interfere with the person’s natural energy flow.
The Reality: Reiki is wonderful for backs, and the spine is no exception. Reiki does not and should not include any manipulation of the spine, unless one is a licensed chiropractor, osteopath, or physiotherapist. Reiki by itself will have no adverse effect on a persons’ spine. The other point concerning the interference of a persons’ energy flow has no basis. Reiki assists the bodies’ natural energy to create a harmonious and balanced flow.Myth 23: You cannot give Reiki to someone who is bleeding from a serious cut.
The Rationale: Reiki will increase the bleeding.
The Reality: The first rule in any first aid situation where a serious cut is involved is to apply First Aid. Reiki in no way increases blood flow from a cut or wound. Reiki is an intelligent energy.It cannot harm, only heal. Surely if one has a bad cut, then applying pressure, binding and elevating the wound in a first aid situation, is the first step. The second step is to call for medical assistance.
Whilst the hands are on the area of concern, Reiki will naturally begin to flow. I have treated serious cuts on numerous occasions both to myself and others, some of which have required stitches.
Through the direct application of first aid and the use of Reiki directly to the wound, I have personally in almost every case, seen bleeding immediately cease, and in some cases, wounds sealing.Reiki accelerates the bodies’ natural ability to heal itself, it increases blood circulation however, increasing blood flow from a cut or wound is certainly not the case.
Myth 24: You cannot give Reiki to someone you are attracted to.
The Rationale: Unknown origin.
The Reality: This Myth certainly took me by surprise. The student who told me had no explanation to the mysterious reason behind this practice, however he had heard it was most important not to give Reiki to someone where you felt a strong attraction. Perhaps this myth stems from the view that one should be aware of ones sexual energy and not to let this consume your healing session. One would of course adhere to the correct limits whilst giving a Reiki treatment and in no way cross these boundaries as part of practice. That is why general codes of practice are considered. If this rule were true, no loving couple would ever be allowed to give their partner a Reiki treatment!Is Reiki not a practice of love and kindness and a direct way to nurture and share with others? Reiki is a unique way of healing with touch, what could be more natural than that.
Myth 25: You cannot cross over your hands or arms when giving Reiki to either yourself or others. Nor should the feet be crossed when receiving a treatment.
The Rationale: This myth suggests that if one crosses over ones hands or feet that this will close down the aura of the person administering the session, thereby blocking the flow of Reiki to the recipient.
The Reality: Reiki is not based on polarities, so it makes no difference to the effectiveness or quality of energy being transferred if the arms, hands, legs, feet, fingers or eyes are crossed! The energy will flow all the same without effort or strain. Certain postures do affect internal energy flow however this is different to the Reiki energy flowing through the body. One should where possible be conscious of body posture when giving Reiki to oneself and others as this assists your personal energy flow as well as your general comfort if treatments need to be given for extended periods of time. The most useful advice for the bodies’ energy flow is to support this flow with an upright spine.Conclusion As you can see, there are many limiting beliefs surrounding Reiki and many which have been taken as gospel over the years. As part of our journey with Reiki it is vitally important that we investigate information, even if it comes from our Reiki teacher and in this way we can best determine if this suits us.
I call this, spiritual self-reliance. In my classes I often warn participants: “Don’t believe a word I am saying, I could be deluded and be leading you all astray. Check things out for yourself and find your way with Reiki”
In our journey with Reiki we all must be our own guiding lights and walk our path in the light of Reiki’s truth.The Ultimate Reiki Guide for Practitioners and Masters
by Lawrence Ellyard
2nd Edition, Languages: English
ISBN: 1 905047 48 7
Healing/Self Help, 196 pagesplease share your opinions <3
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