Energy Healing

Love deeply so you can rise higher


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    When I say “love”,I mean all the four layers of love:from sex to samadhi. Love deeply. If you love deeply in a sexual relationship, much fear will disappear from the body. If your body trembles in fear, it is the fear of sex; you have not been in a deep sexual relationship.Your body trembles, it’s not at ease, at home. Love deeply — a sexual orgasm will dispel all fear out of the body. When I say it will dispel all fear, I don’t mean that you will become brave, because brave people are nothing but cowards upside down.When I say all fear will disappear, I mean there will be no cowardice and no bravery.Those are two aspects of fear. Bravery is not fearlessness, it is fear well-protected, or armoured. When fear disappears, you become fearless.

    And a fearless person is one who never creates fear in anybody, and who never allows anybody to create fear in him. Deep sexual orgasm gives body at-homeness. Something deeply healthy happens in the body because the body feels whole.

    Then the second step is love. Love people unconditionally. Don’t think that you are doing something for the other when you love, you are doing something for yourself. Love people, you will be fulfilled through it,you will get more and more blessedness through it.And when love goes deeper, fear disappears; love is the light, fear is darkness.

    The third love energy is prayer. Let your prayer be a spontaneous phenomenon. Say things that you would like to say.Talk to God as you would talk to a wise friend. Bring love into prayer, then talk. It is a beautiful thing— a dialogue with the universe. It is a relationship with deep involvement in it.You get angry. Sometimes you feel good, thankful, or grateful; sometimes you feel put off,but let it be a living rerelationship; then prayer is true.

    But then there is the fourth stage which I call meditation.There dialogue also ceases. When the heart overflows, only silence can be the medium. There is no other.You are one with the universe.

    You neither say anything nor listen to anything.You are with the One, with the universe, with the whole.This is meditation.

    These are the four stages of love, and on each stage there will be a disappearance of fear. If sex happens beautifully, the body fear will disappear. The body will not be neurotic. If love happens, fear will disappear from the mind.You will have a life of freedom, at ease, at-homeness. No fear will come, no nightmares.

    If prayer happens, then fear completely disappears, because with prayer you become one — you start feeling a deep relationship with the whole. From the spirit, fear disappears; the fear of death disappears when you pray — never before it.

    And when you meditate, even fearlessness disappears. Nothing remains, or only the nothing remains — a vast purity. Abridged from Tao: The Three Treasures, courtesy: Osho International Foundation,

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