The bridge between the body and the consciousness is the breath. The breath is the vehicle, the energy that flows in with it is the elixir of life.
Breathing technique called by Dr. Usui: Joshin Kokyuu-Ho, that translated would mean: “the breathing method for cleansing the spirit”. A variation of this technique is also used in Tai Chi and in oder martial arts in order to learn to feel and intensify the flow of energy. We also use it to charge ourselves with energy.

According to Dr. Usui, it is done in the following manner:
_Sit down comfortably, keep your spine as straight as possible without becoming tense, keep the tongue on the roof of your mouth, touching your front teeth while inhaling and then let it come down and rest on the bottom of the mouth while exhaling.
_Imagine that you are breathing in not only air through your nose but also the Reiki or other energy through your crown chakra. Many of you will directly feel how the energy enters through the crown chakra. i personally feel it to be a kind of ecstatic pressure of like something sweet that gently falls on me and energizes me. Other people may feel it to be light or warm. If you do not directly feel it, don’t worry about it and continue to breathe calmly and serenely.
With time, the effect of this exercise and a strong feel of the energy flowing through you will make itself known.
_Feel how your entire body is enriched with energy during this kind of breathing and draw the breath far down into your belly, down to the energy center two or three fingerwidths beneath the navel. In Japan, this center is called Tanden, and the Chinese call it Tantien.
The TANDEN is the center of the body, the seat of a person’s vitality.
_Hold your breath and the energy you have drawn with it in the Tanden for a few seconds. This is not a matter of getting into the Guinness Book of Records, so be loving and gentle with yourself in this exercise, not stress and a fear of life. While holding your breath, imagine that the energy from the Tanden spreads throughout your entire body and energizes it.
_Now exhale through your mouth. While doing this, imagine that the breath and the energy not only flow out from your mouth, but also from your fingertips and the tips of your toes and out of your hand and foot chakras. This is how we become a clear channel of Reiki. The energy flows into us from the cosmos and back again to the cosmos. The energy cycle from the macrocosm to the microcosm, and viceversa, has been completed.
_Inhale and exhale deeply, evenly, and slowly for ten minutes. Feel how the breath and the energy flow through you as you do this.
Experiment with this technique while you treat yourself or others. I personally use it during almost all of the treatment.
<3 Aria <3