What is the Silver Violet Flame energy?
The Violet Flame is a Divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions. People with the gift of interdimensional sight have seen it. Cameras have captured it when it was not visible to the person taking the photo. The Violet Flame is REAL and I invite you to use it to your great advantage.

The Violet Flame is a light so pure that it can dissolve the particles of fear and anger emitted by almost everyone. The flame is composed of shades from lavender, through lilac, to deepest violet and has to be invoked when required.
Transforms negativity into positivity: sickness into health; poverty into plenty, jealousy into self-esteem, greed into generosity and despair into hope.
History of the Silver Violet Flame
For thousand of years, we on Earth have struggled with our darker emotions without this wonderful tool until recently. At the harmonic Convergence in August 1987, so many lightworkers prayed for planetary healing that St Germain approached Source and asked for a dispensation. As a result, after 12.000 years since the Violet Flame left us at the fall of Golden Atlantis the Violet Flame has returned to us for our use.
Because lightworkers continued to devote themselves to raising the frequency of the planet, a further divine clemency was granted in 1998. The Silver Ray of Grace and Harmony was emerged with the Violet Flame of Transmutation. It was a great gift to Humanity.

Invocation of Silver Violet Flame Energy
There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. And you can make as well your own and simple way.
You can do this as a meditation or when you are taking a walk or gardening, but not when you are driving a car or operating machinery. this is a high spiritual energy, which opens you up, so ask Archangel Michael to place his deep-blue cloak of protection around you and visualise it surrounding your body.
1. Mentally invoke the Silver Violet Flame. You can invoke Saint Germain 3 times. Visualise a flame of liliac, lavender, purple, violet and silver surrounding you.
2. Picture the Silver Violet Flame blazing a trail in front of you during the day, dissolving any dark energy before you encounter it.
3. Send the flame to people who are sick. See it consuming any negativity around them.
4.Place your anger or fear, hurt or negativity in the flame until they dissolve.
5. Picture people who are not in harmony, inside the flame.
6. Visualise the flame travelling, or ask the angels to take it to places to purify the energy of war and disruption.
7. If you have any pain or tension in your body, allow the Silver Violet Flame to play in that area.
8. Send it down phone lines or the internet to purify the web.
9. When you have finished place a cross or other symbol of protection in front and behind to close down your chakras.