Twin Flames, Soul Mates etc.

The most important in the Twin Flame journey is the journey within

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    Recently, I have taken note of a theme amongst the ‘new wave’ of twins so to speak, and that is one of despair, doubt, confusion, second-guessing, giving up, and so on when it comes to the one they have identified as their Twin Flame.

    This is not a new theme to me; I experienced this sort of ‘epic self-doubt’ myself a few times along the way when things were not going as I expected or thought they ‘should’ with my Twin. I have also witnessed many other Twins go through it as well. As with everything that happens along the Twin Flame journey, there is a purpose for this, and these sort of things happen in ‘waves’ as different soul groups of Twins are ‘activated’ and start ‘waking up’ simultaneously all across the world.

    So here we are, being hit by another ‘wave’ of self-doubt and many are saying they are confused, that they think the person they thought was their Twin was not, that they are ‘giving up’ on their Twin, etc. along with asking for private advice and readings.

    Let us look at this from a few different angles.

    Firstly…there is nothing at all wrong with asking for advice and readings to gain clarity, nor is there anything wrong with offering help. However, there are a few things which are important to keep in mind when it comes to seeking guidance and readings from others. It’s coming through and from THEM…not YOU…and their experience may resonate closely with your experience, or it could be something entirely different. So while others can and very often do help tremendously, there comes a time when you must learn how to go within and seek your own internal guidance, because ultimately, in every situation, it is your own intuition which is going to steer you correctly, every time. When you learn to trust your own internal guidance, you will develop the skill of Discernment, where you will then know for certain what resonates with you, and what does not.

    Guidance from others is always going to be clouded by their own ego and personal experience, and one very important observation I have made is that many people who define themselves as ‘psychics’ or ‘spiritual’ are very much still caught up in the 3D world and ways of thinking, and so while they may mean well and are indeed receiving guidance via their own spiritual gifts, they are also translating what they receive through their own perceptions and ego filters.

    This makes is so very easy for them to give you ‘advice’ that is not true to your personal path, or to make ‘promises’ that are simply impossible to make, which easily cause problems later on down the road when things do not turn out as expected. For example, I recently connected with a lady who had been holding onto a lot of anger and despair toward her Twin because several psychics had told her that they were meant to be together and led her to believe that it would be within a certain amount of time. They spoke nothing of the inner work that Twins must do to reunite or that separation is ‘normal’ for many Twins, just that they would be together; and so she sat and waited as she believed she was meant to and when they did not reunite as ‘promised,’ she was overcome with anguish and confusion that kept her stuck in a 3D state of mind and energy until I helped her shift her perspective, which enabled her to release her anger toward him, herself, and the entire situation.

    Also…sometimes psychics are just wrong…and some of them are more concerned with telling you what you ‘should do’ rather than encouraging you to go within…and yet sometimes, as I have experienced myself personally, they simply do not get anything no matter how much they try. Some will be honest about this, others will not; it all depends on their personal level of integrity and intent behind what they are doing.

    One must also consider that in online forums, where all are welcome to join and give their input, you never know what sort of experience the person commenting has with the Twin Flame journey or how much of what they are saying is coming from what their ego ‘thinks’ as opposed to what their Spirit KNOWS. I have noticed that many will be quick to jump in and tell others that they should ‘give up’ or ‘move on’ when things are not going as they believe they ‘should’ or Twin is ‘behaving badly’, when truly, everything is just fine from the Divine perspective. It is just that those individuals advising ‘giving up’ do not have a full understanding how the Cosmic Mirror works energetically with Twins and so their ego steps in and says, “Well, we gave it a try, but it’s time to wave the white flag and give up on this fairy tale, there’s got to be something ‘easier’ out there!”

    You see where I’m going with this…

    What is the point behind all of this, you ask? It is simple…not all guidance is created equal, and it is up to each and every one of us to learn how to use our own discernment when receiving guidance from others as well as through our own personal channels. Such times of ‘crisis’ and ‘self-doubt’ that many Twins experience during these ‘waves’ I mentioned previously are intended to push you further inward; to teach you how to communicate with your Angels and guides, your higher self, your Twin and others outside of the constraints of the 3D world, and to teach you how to trust yourself and the messages that you receive through your own inherent spiritual gifts of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience (clear hearing), and claircognizance (clear knowing). Oftentimes, we are not even aware that we *have* these gifts, and we miss out on the ways in which our Angels and guides (and our Twins!) try to communicate with us because of that incomplete self-awareness.

    So now we’ve got to the point…the question I often get is, “How do I go within? How to I communicate with my Angels?” It’s actually very simple, it’s just that we have ‘forgotten’ how to utilize our natural Spiritual gifts and it takes a bit of conscious effort and attention to reverse that ‘forgetting.’ One of the most important steps is remembering to ASK for their help. That is sometimes the most challenging part because it is easy to fall back into that ‘forgetting’ and not ask for assistance when we need it the most. It can take some time to build that trust with your angels of KNOWING they are there to help 24/7, and the easiest way to build that trust, and trust in yourself and your abilities and intuition, is by developing a daily spiritual practice for yourself that allows you to take an active role in your spiritual growth while simultaneously surrendering control of the ‘hows’ and ‘whos’ and ‘whens’ to the Universe.

    But still…how do I do that, you ask? I am going to explain how and then go into more detail about my own personal daily spiritual practice below; any and all who resonate with my practice are free to use it for themselves if they wish. If it does not resonate, there are many other spiritual practices out there that you can adopt, or you can create one of your own. I created one of my own by drawing from several sources that resonated with me and adding in my own bits and pieces to creating a ‘ritual’ and prayer for myself.

    So, what you want to do first is sit in prayer and communicate with your angels. You can speak the words or think them, they feel your true intent thru the heart chakra. They will ‘hear’ you and respond regardless but a spoken prayer that is specific in intent such as I use does make a difference. I always start out with my daily prayer, and then once I am finished with that, I spend some time asking for guidance and help with specific issues that I need clarity on or assistance with.

    When you are done with your prayer, sit in quiet meditation for 5 – 10 minutes, or longer if you feel drawn to. You may or may not receive anything then; just be aware of what you feel, any sensations internally or externally, any sounds you hear, tones in your ears, etc., any colors you see moving behind your eyelids, or sparkles of light you may see. If a thought pops into your head take note of that too. These are all ways that we detect the presence of angels and they often deliver messages to us telepathically that we then ‘translate’ as we go about our day and fully receive later.

    Once you are finished meditating, release whatever it is to the Universe and trust that you receive the answers and blessings you asked for. Then just go about your day, being aware of the world around you for your answers and blessings to manifest in form.

    Messages come in many ways…song lyrics you hear…an article that draws your attention on your Facebook newsfeed…number sequences…something someone says ‘randomly’ that is not so random to you. Our angels communicate with us all the time, we just have ‘forgotten’ that we can communicate with them, too, if we shift our perspective. We also often have misconceptions about what it means to be ‘psychic’ not realizing that we possess the very same gifts we revere in others, we just do not realize it because what we *think* we know about the ways spiritual gifts aka psychic abilities manifest is not truly accurate. There are MANY ways that the ‘clairs’ manifest, it’s up to us to discover OUR personal ways of manifesting them so we can communicate and create with ease in our new 5D reality.

    Below is my personal Daily Prayer. I begin my Spiritual Practice by singing an angel invocation, which calls my Angels to me and it is simply wonderful. If you have not felt the energy of angels before, you will definitely feel them after doing this invocation. It’s simple and easy, sung seven times in a row to call in your Angels; if you are not able to sing it out loud, it is effective to ‘sing’ it in your head as well. The following YouTube video describes the invocation and walks you through it step-by-step.

     Daily Prayer

    I invoke the Divine Presence of Spirit. I call upon my Healing and Guardian Angels and all the Divine Beings of Light who are connected to me and who work with and through me. I thank you for protecting me while awake and asleep and I give thanks for your support and for heeding my call. Today I ask you all to divinely assist me, protect me, guide and inspire me to manifest only that which is in accordance with the highest will of my soul and my sacred divine blueprint. 

    I call upon Archangel Michael. Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask that you manifest your protective Blue light within and around me as an impenetrable shield. I ask that you help me release and cleanse all darkness, all negativity, all that is blocking my true and clear vibration, for the highest good of all. I ask that you use your sword of blue flame to cut through any etheric cords that are not love and light, releasing me from any form of negative energy, people, places or situations in all dimensions of time and space. I ask that you live and travel with me and my loved ones at all times; protecting us, our homes, our pets, our vehicles, and our valuables so that no harm may pass by your loving alertness. 

    I call upon St Germain. Beloved St Germain, I ask that you manifest your Violet, Silver and Gold flames within and around me. I ask that these flames dissolve all conscious and unconscious negativity inside of and around me. I ask that this Violet, Gold and Silver flame manifest around me and that it protect me on all levels and through all dimensions against all negativity projected toward me, consciously or unconsciously, from any incarnate or discarnate being. 

    I call upon Archangel Raphael. Beloved Archangel Raphael, I ask that you manifest your Green healing energy within and around me. I ask that you help me to heal physically, emotionally, and etherically in all dimensions of time and space. I ask that you help me to release all illness and dis-ease of the mind, body, and spirit and I ask that you protect me from negative thoughts and feelings that manifest into illness and dis-ease. I ask that you help me to attain my natural, vibrantly healthy form on all levels of my being by guiding my thoughts and actions, motivating and inspiring me to make healthy choices and heal myself. I ask you to help me heal all relationships with myself and others. 

    I call upon Archangel Metatron.  Beloved Archangel Metatron, I ask that you help me to become a Master Creator by sparking my imagination and fueling my powers of manifestation, motivating and inspiring me to accomplish my priorities and create positive change in all areas of my life.  I ask you to help me to tap into the skills and resources I have developed in lifetimes past, present, and future and to transmute anything I touch, have touched, or will touch to gold, creating abundance for myself in all ways.  Help me keep my thoughts free of clutter so I am ready and able to receive the truths that will allow me to become the best I can be, and help me to connect with my own truth and my Higher Self, always. 

    I call upon Archangel Sandalphon.  Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, I ask that you help me to alter my thought processes and patterns so my every desire and request manifests into my life with ease.  I ask you to help me uncover and release any beliefs, agreements, vows, or blockages that are not serving me and are preventing the results I truly deserve from manifesting, bringing me into alignment with what I wish to experience quickly and with ease.  

    I call upon Archangel Chamuel.  Beloved Archangel Chamuel, I ask that you help me to communicate and interact successfully with my family and friends and to heal losses and divisions in my relationships.  I ask you to help me to reunite with my twin flame at this time and to fulfill our divine mission.  I ask you to teach me to see the beauty and the Christ in myself and others and to develop and liberate within myself , my own creative abilities and talents.  Please dissolve all feelings of selfishness, self-dislike, self-condemnation and low self-esteem, so that I can gain a healthy love of self, and help me to clear any confusion which may be blocking the flow of prosperity into my life.

    I call upon Archangel Jophiel. Beloved Archangel Jophiel, I ask that you inspire me to use my innate creative power in my relationships, career, and all that I do. I ask that you whisper in my ear over and over again, exactly what I AM supposed to do until I receive it loud and clear, and then take action on it. I ask you to open my mind and heart fully so I am able to channel my natural Divine expression of love with ease in all of my creative endeavors and in every area of my life. 

    I call upon Archangel Uriel. Beloved Archangel Uriel, I ask you to help me to be brave and fully embrace the talents and gifts that God gave to me. Help me to realize that I have nothing to fear in pursuing my passions because it was God who placed these passions in my heart in the first place. Guide me to the straight path that flourishes and overflows all of my creative endeavors and passionate desires. 

    I ask my Higher Self, my Soul, and my Fully Mastered and Christ Self of the Light to step fully into my being and to guide my words, my thoughts and my actions, and I ask that that Spirit assist me to be receptive, open and willing to receive all communication coming my way from Spirit, my Guardian Angels, and my Twin Flame. 

    I ask that I be receptive to respond to all messages from Spirit, my Guardian Angels, and my Twin Flame that require me to be of service to others in whichever way their soul requires it. If there is anything I need to learn today, show me. If there is something I am in denial about, reveal this to me. If my actions and words are unjustified and hurtful toward myself and others, alert me to this. If I treat myself and others unlovingly and unkindly, make me aware of this.

     I ask that all of this manifest under grace in perfect, miraculous and harmonious ways and in accordance with the highest will of all souls concerned. I give thanks to Spirit, to my Healing and Guardian Angels, and all the magnificent Beings of Light who consent to walk with me today, and I give thanks for all the blessings I shall receive and for all my prayers being answered. 

    So be it. It is done. 

    That’s that…as I said, you are welcome to use this practice if it resonates with you, to alter the prayer to suit your needs, or to find / create your own completely different spiritual practice. It matters not what method you use, what matters is that you do the work necessary to go within and learn to communicate with yourself and your ‘team’ of Light beings which are ready and waiting for you to do *your* part so they can step in and assist you. It’s called lightWORK for a reason; the work does not have to be ‘hard’ but there is work involved if we wish to raise our vibrations, ascend, and reunite with our twins.

    I also recommend using the Pyramid of Power. This is your own personal sanctuary which you create for yourself where you can go to invite in your twin’s higher self (or anyone you wish to communicate with) and seek answers and resolutions in a way that bypasses the 3D world and the human ego. You can also go there to heal yourself and others (with permission) and to create that which you wish to manifest into form in the physical world.

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