Tag: twinsoul

Dancing with the pale knight

I could make out a vague shape, a white horse, stamping its feet, and moving from side to side in agitation.  I thought, telepathically, to the apparition, Holographically sensing, the details, of the horse, more than, actually seeing it. “ Can I see you? manifest for me, please,”   “um”, then, feeling apprehensive, “ “on second …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/dancing-with-the-pale-knight/

A Year out of Time, -Seaopal

After several  years, of spiritual training during my awakening, I found myself suddenly dropped back down to earth with a bump, my guides, soul group, teachers, backed off, but stood at a close distance, to monitor me, and help me when I needed, but, so i was told I had decided to test myself with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/a-year-out-of-time-seaopal/

Angel dreams

Angel dreams Sleeping contentedly, In a cloud of what smell’s like juniper berries and cypress trees, A crystal clear breeze of mountain fresh air, The scent wafting over me, Like soft dew, waves of pure bliss, caressing my heart, As my angel, embraced me, Enveloping, me, in strong, and tender, arms. Dreaming of floating, In …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/angel-dreams/