Tag: visualization

Shadow Work a visualiization exercise, review- September 08, 2020

where im at now….

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualiization-exercise-review-september-08-2020/

Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown

placing my hand over my head and crown chakra, I saw what looked like a flat brown hat, as I stepped over to the hat, the side grew up in points like a crown, and turned golden, then walking through the center, of the crown, I found I was in a very dark park, on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-exercise-part-vii-september-07-2020-crown/

Shadow work a visualization exercise, part VI- September 07, 2020 Third Eye

Placing my hand over my forehead and third eye area, i closed my eyes, and saw, I was in a strange room… standing at the base of a huge dark step pyramid ship.. as I stepped onto the first step, neon lights on that step either side, lit up, as I progressed up the pyramid …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-exercise-part-vi-september-07-2020-third-eye/

Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,

I worked on this chakra in two parts, first placing my hand over my lower throat upper chest, area….. I found myself in what looked like an office, it was very gloomy dim and grey, everything stuffy closed off and very very dusty, chokingly so…. in the center of the office were desks with old …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-exercise-part-v-september-07-2020-thymus-and-throat/

Shadow work a visualization exercise part IV- September 07, 2020 Heart Chakra,

my inner sanctum, heart space,

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-exercise-part-iv-september-07-2020-heart-chakra/

Shadow work a visualization part III- September 07, 2020Solar Plexas

looking within to heal and realign

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-part-iii-september-07-2020solar-plexas/

Shadow Work …a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra

looking within sacrel chakra, for healing, and realigning,

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-a-visualization-exercise-september-07-2020-sacrel-chakra/

shadow work … root chakra,- September 07, 2020

rescently…. been going through another… Dark night of the soul… so having to go within again, doing the inner work.. to pick myself up and heal…

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/shadow-work-root-chakra-september-07-2020/

Book of puzzles

Shadow work , inner healing, meditation, visualization..

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/book-of-puzzles/