Nikola Tesla was a visionary inventor and engineer who made many contributions to the fields of electricity, magnetism, radio, and wireless communication. He was also a mystic who had a profound interest in the nature of reality and the cosmos. One of his most famous quotes is “We are all one”. What did he mean by that?
There are different interpretations of this statement, but one possible way to understand it is that Tesla believed that everything in the universe is connected by a fundamental energy or force that transcends space and time. He thought that this energy could be harnessed and manipulated by human technology and intelligence, and that it could reveal the secrets of nature and existence. He also speculated that this energy could enable telepathy, clairvoyance, and other psychic phenomena, as well as interplanetary communication and travel.
Tesla’s view of reality was influenced by his own personal experiences and experiments, as well as by the philosophical and scientific ideas of his time. He was familiar with the concepts of Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, which posit that all living beings are part of a universal soul or consciousness. He was also aware of the discoveries of modern physics, such as the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, which suggest that matter and energy are interchangeable and that reality is relative and probabilistic.
Tesla’s quote “We are all one” can be seen as a synthesis of these diverse perspectives, as well as a reflection of his own visionary imagination and ambition. He wanted to create a new world where humanity could access the hidden potentials of nature and mind, and where the boundaries between science, art, and spirituality would be blurred. He saw himself as a pioneer and a prophet of this new era, and he hoped that his inventions would benefit humanity and bring peace and harmony to the world.