Category: Dreams and Dream Interpretation


Alexis karpouzos poetry and spiritual words

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Dream symbology, rebirth.


Strange dream,  I can only recall, a part of it, that was quiet, vivid and stood out. A dark cloaked figure, with the head of a Jackel,  Anubis,  in his priest robes, he was standing, looking over a vast empty, but beautiful view, horizon,  then he vanished into the ground, leaving his robes in a …

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Night School… lessons in my sleep, re perceptions, experience’s

In my lessons, I was presented with these holographic, images, bit like those moving, double, pictures, prints, on wide screens. There was about five or six, i think, scenery’s, of different life experience’s. And I was asked to dive into each of  them,in turn,  and experience each one, which was a lifetime, of an individual …

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Dream premonition or symbolic?

Vivid dream, 31/12/11 God what a dream, Me and Matt, my husband, were driving the reo, his ex American army truck, through a military complex, with metal railings and war burial memorials, white ones, we were asking directions, on the mobile phone, it was a sunny day, clear blue skies, and we were driving down, …

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My Ragnorak dream, messages from the gods – Seaopal

the signs, i saw in the sky the other,day, were reconfirmed, in my night visions, dreams, the turtle dove, hebrew letter and number 7, 7 referring to 7 days, either at the end of 7 days, or lasting 7 days,  the hebrew letter, HEY ( ) divine breath, creation, and the grey turtle dove, a …

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