Connecting to your Higher Self
System of One
Step One of Nine
From Ra
This is the first step in the nine steps of the System of One, it is the most important step and without success in this first step you will not be able to complete the remaining steps.
In order to connect to your higher self, you will need to have mastered mindfulness as described here and elsewhere. The eBook, Training the Ego explains simply all the steps required for this, if you still struggle to quieten your mind then any communications with your Higher Self will suffer from interference and may not go well.
The mind is a hub of communications, through telepathy and other sensory perceptions the mind is able to communicate with any being you wish to connect to. The system is set up so that you only need to think of the entity and a communication channel is created. This can have positive and negative affects since communicating with some entities will see you become embroiled in their games that are often no more than higher forms of distraction.
For this reason, telepathy is usually dampened in most humans until they have mastered higher levels of mind control that are gained through mindfulness practices. Once mindfulness has been mastered then these telepathic communications become more visible to the person who is listening for them and often there are guides that will come and talk to the listener to help them gain better control of their telepathic powers. Please note; Mindfulness is key, if you are unable to gain the needed control to enable you to meditate with an empty mind then these abilities will be fleeting. There are many people who have significant powers who only catch glimpses of the communications aimed at them because their natural ability has made them feel that they do not have to work at perfecting their mind control. This is a falsehood and for each of us if we do not do the work then our skills will not progress.
What is the Higher Self?
The Higher Self is a person’s Oversoul, the Light Being that contains the consciousness and memories for every incarnation of you. Past, present and future. Each individual has a higher self and the number of self aspects that the Higher Self holds depends on the individual, it can be as few or as many as the Higher Self feels necessary in order to carry out its mission.
This connection to all aspects of self makes communication with the Higher Self an important and critical part of an individual’s path and yet for a great many people, even those who have well developed mind and telepathy skills this task has proven to be very difficult. There is a reason for this. The Higher Self is elusive because it holds so much power that only when the Higher Self is happy that you and it are truly aligned in terms of goals will it allow communications and even then these may be partial; the higher self may only allow part of its knowledge base to be made available to you.
So how do you get your Higher Self to Open up to you? The answer is that you must allow your Higher Self to teach you and in so doing you will take on its goals and so the two of you will become aligned and communications will open up between you. It is your Higher Self that controls your telepathy for example and if it feels that you are using this against your higher purpose then it will cut off or limit those powers. This is how it is, your Higher Self is your gatekeeper, it is your guardian, and only when it is satisfied that you have learnt the lessons it has set for you will it allow you more powers of communication.
So how do you learn from your elusive Higher Self? You do this using a combination of meditation and intuition. Through meditation you should communicate your intention to learn from your Higher Self and if you do not get an immediate message of what it wants you to learn then you should use intuition to feel the right path for you. This process can take some time and it is in effect a dance between the two of you, with your Higher Self giving you a step by step path to oneness with it. The key thing here is to disregard your human based goals, these are irrelevant to your Higher Self, it is only concerned about its higher purpose, which is correct since for each of us it is the fulfilment of that higher purpose that will lead us to true happiness, peace and freedom. These are spiritual goals and have little to do with the human physical world except that it is the theatre through which we play out our dramas of sleep, awakening and ultimately personal salvation.
So this is the first step, connect with and work with your higher self, some will fail this task but others will succeed and be able to move into a new domain of unity with Higher Self which leads to the remaining eight of the nine steps of the System of One.
Additional Notes
It is important to realise that you are never not in touch with your Higher Self, for most people the Higher Self remains hidden until they have reached a level of attainment that means the Higher Self can have meaningful conversations with the Self but the Higher Self is always there.
The most basic level of communication with the Higher Self is through intuition. If you do not feel that you have communication with your Higher Self then you should concentrate on using intuition in the first instance in order to feel what it is the Higher Self would like you to know.
There are many people that believe their higher self to be absent due to there not being any direct and meaningful contact with the Higher Self. In most cases this is because the goals of the individual and those of their Higher Self are out of alignment but also for some where these goals are in alignment then the Higher Self may not feel it is necessary to actually make contact as there is no guidance needed, however this is a rare occurrence.
You need to be a member of the System of One group in order to access steps two to nine, see System of One
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