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    If you are having difficulty with anything please let us know by replying to this thread. Make sure you check the help pages first as we generally like to update that with tips on how to use the site plus info on any buds we have found.

    Also, you might like to suggest features that you would like, we can’t promise to deliver them but your ideas will give us ideas on how to improve things.


    The server that feeds the moon phase app seems to have gone down, I’ve contacted them and hopefully it will be fixed soon.


    Installed an alternative, seems to give more comprehensive info too.


    I spent some time trying to speed up the performance of the site, I shaved 100kb off the background image, installed a cache and also a compression system for uploaded images. With any luck that should make things better though I have to say I chose features over performance for this place. I guess patience will need to be exercised.


    Latest site changes. I’ve decided to remove the translations to Spanish from this site and set up a seperate Spanish site called Verdadero Yo, this means that this site will run more quickly, as does the Spanish site, which does not have the social networking side of things.


    Over the last couple of weeks the site has gone through some changes. Due to running out of memory I had to disable some features but the exercise also allowed me to decide what was important.

    I’ve also added some features, including CanvaKala, which is an image selector and editing program that I think is really cool. It only works when you are working on the full editor mode of posting (When you select the “+New” drop-down menu and select “Post”. Check out the video at Using CanvaKala


    I’ve spent quite a bit of time adding new features and changing the look and feel of many of the pages and menus for the site this week. Have also added a global “Like” features which allows you to like just about anything on the site, forum topics and replies, blog posts and comments, items in the activity stream etc.


    After a lot of work we have now been able to implement our new profile cover photo option! Simply view your profile and you will get the option to upload a new cover.


    Also added a new feature whereby you can send compliments to other members, hope you enjoy it.


    I’ve taken the Events Manager application offline as it causes a problem with a new group homepage application that I’m implementing. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.


    I’ve installed quite a few new features, including custom group home pages, and custom backgrounds for members and groups. I’ll update the help pages so these are simple to understand. There’s a few teething problems with the custom home pages, which I’ve spoken about here: if all else fails you can get me to set up the advanced features.


    The Events system is now back on line! I found a workaround to the problem when displaying custom group home pages. All is well again!


    Some good news and some bad news, the events system has gone offline again, it was either that or no custom group homepages and I like the custom home pages better. Have reported the Events bug to the developers and am looking for alternative events systems just in case. On the positive side I have installed the ability for members to follow each other!


    Events are now back online, I managed to find a workaround!


    I’ve added the ability to follow other members, I also added a gender question to our member profiles, so if you could set yours that would be great.

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