Fear has a great deal to teach you. Fear is the experience of being disconnected from who you truly are; It is the opposite of Love. Fear can be a ally if you allow it to be; and just say, I am afraid. In continually doing this you began to to see you are not fear it’s self, but that fear rather is a feeling.” I am afraid” becomes I feel fear.. It is the reaction of holding feelings because you believe they are coming to fast. These feelings are based on a great many assumptions of what might happen. Most fear is not of what is happening NOW but what might be. If you are able to stay in the moment, fear will not find you. Fear is the projection of something that has happened in the past into the future. Through a large magnifying glass, So when you are in fear , you are not in reality. But rather than deny what you feel, just say what you feel in the moment, This act alone will bring you into the moment, and whereby out of Fear.
The Guide HEYOAN