There are twelve strands to the spiritual DNA, each one representing one of the archetypes, their energies and abilities.
You are born with some aspects of these 12 strands initiated. Usually, not fully, but if you find that glimmer of ability, you’ll be able to work on it, to strengthen it.
Many people have rejected their spiritual abilities, and their shadows get to use them against them from the unconscious mind.
DNA activations happen for two reasons; first, is that you have resolved the denial of self which caused an innate ability to be lost, or, that you have attained a level of connectedness whereby the ability is “switched on”
This means the signs of each activation will probably be different, but you should feel an old but familiar type of energy, and you should start to get intuition as to how to use the new power. Whatever it is, it’ll be something you’ll need to work on, to get used to it before full activation. DNA activations rarely come in at 100% first time, the initial activation is partial, just in case, to avoid any potential mishap, then as you begin to integrate it into your daily practice, the remaining energies will come in.
Another aspect to understand, is, just like the primary archetypes are 12+1, with the +1 being the later addition of the Christ archetype, so does our spiritual DNA have a thirteenth strand. This strand is the Christ strand, and it is through the activation of this strand that access to all our abilities may be granted.
That’s the theory. My fist activation I guess was telepathy, I felt an energy shift around my head, then started to hear whispers. It took a month or some before they were voices I could interact with all day without tiredness.