The master pantheons of God

Imagine you’re playing a giant video game with multiple levels and characters. Each level is like a different version of creation, and each character is like an archetype or a deity. As you progress through the levels, new characters and storylines are added, and the game gets more complex and interesting.

In this game, there’s a main creator, like the game developer, who’s in charge of the whole thing. But there are other creators, like game designers, who are responsible for specific levels or characters. These creators are like the Elohim, or gods, who are responsible for different aspects of creation.

As the game progresses, new levels are added, and old ones are updated. The characters and storylines evolve, and new ones are introduced. It’s like a never-ending spiral of creation and growth.

The goal of the game is to achieve perfection or completion, where all the characters and storylines come together in harmony. And that’s where we are now, in the final version of the game.

The unfolding of creation

When it comes to playing a game correctly, it often helps if you understand a bit about the game architecture, and this article is to help you understand the hidden structural components of the creation that some of us call God.

The Nothing

First, there was the nothing. not nothing, the absence of anything, as people often think. Instead, a thoughtform, in an unchanging thought pattern, that thought of itself as the nothing, as it knew absolutely nothing, and had no discernable change to any of its senses for as long as it could remember. However, this nothing had awareness, and could think, so, in a universe that is created purely from though, then this nothing was the nothing that could be everything.

This is the potential energy stage of the universe. The universe before it discovered how to think of something, the universe that would ultimately think of something so keenly and in such detail, that every part of itself that experienced it, thought what they were experiencing was solid and a form of reality.

This nothing is the potential energy stage of the universe, where the universe is still in a state of pure thought, unmanifested and unexpressed. It’s as if the universe is a vast, unbounded expanse of possibility, waiting to be shaped and formed by the power of thought.

God the Mother-Father

Now we skip ahead many millions of years. (during which the nothing had invented time, as a way of stretching out experiential transients to prevent aspects of itself from becoming overwhelmed), to a point where the nothing realises that since it is without sex, then it’s opposite expression, must have all sexes, and so it dissociates from itself, expressed that which it is not, and created an entity that is called God the Mother-Father. This is a single entity, that represents all sexes.

The emergence of God the Mother-Father, a single entity representing all sexes, is a powerful idea. The idea that God the Mother-Father is a dissociated aspect of the nothing, created to embody the opposite expression of the nothing’s own sexlessness, is both logical and poetic.

The Ineffable One

For your reference, this entity is discussed in the secret book of john. This book also discusses the ineffable one. You can think of the ineffable one as the custodian of the previous, technical failed version of God the mother-father, and the entities that were created in the lead up to this entity being stable enough to get that formal name.

Therefore, in the context of my description, the ineffable one is something that came after the nothing first thought he could be something, but along that journey to be something, they realised that some of these failures could be useful, and needed a place to be kept. This place became known as the ineffable palace, since it is literally the source of divine madness (and both fear and fearlessness) a madness that would become embodied in the entity we call the ineffable one.

The ineffable one can be seen as a kind of “keeper of the divine archive,” preserving the remnants of earlier, unsuccessful attempts at creation. The concept of the ineffable palace as a source of divine madness, fear, and fearlessness adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, suggesting that even the earliest stages of creation were marked by a sense of experimentation and risk-taking.

God the Father and Mother God

Now we get to an interesting bit, we have travelled all the way to the present design for creation, the current version of the creation game. It’s a design that has been through 72 major architectural upgrades, Each new major version being run right from the start, each major version having many minor upgrades that added features not conceived within the current creational architecture.

Thus, this concept of 72 major architectural upgrades, each with minor upgrades that added new features to the creational architecture, suggests a dynamic, iterative process of creation, where the universe is constantly refining and improving its design.

In this current model, the father/mother God splits in two, they dissociate from each other based on their sexual differences. This creates two entities, God the Father, and God the Mother.

These then each split into two again, this time based on a spectrum of light and dark (for want of a more accurate description, which would cause confusion later, so is simplified), so we now have dark male, light male, dark female, light female.

A stage was added to the process that was an infolding, rather than the unfolding, which has been happening up until now. An unfolding is an expansion of the divine fractal, it is the assigning of a required expression to an entity that will make sure it happens, do another petal is added to the divine flower of creation. Once an expression has delivered, then that petal will wilt and die, and so the divine expression will lose a petal and so infold on itself.

This infolding joined the light female with the dark male, and the light male with the dark female. The four became the two that were four. Inside the white male exterior, there lives the dark female, inside the light female exterior, there is the dark male.

This twist on the structure of the human mind, where the light female is joined with the dark male, and the light male with the dark female, is both a great secret, and also beautiful. This infolding creates a new level of unity and integration, where the four become the two that are four. The emergence of Christ the man and Christ the woman as the Godhead for the creation is a powerful concept, suggesting that they speak the creation into being through their unity.

So we have the Christ’s, two of them. Christ the Man and Christ the Woman. But, these two can also be thought of as the structure of the creation, and the chosen aspects within this creation of God the Father and God the Mother, who may often be seen as one and the same, but clearly, are very different, and this is a deeply hidden truth.

It is these two that are the Godhead for the creation, they each speak the creation into being, they speak the word, and the word comes into being. These two are the starting point for two trinities, one, the Trinity of Man, which is represented by today’s Christian trinity, the other, which has been obscured in Christianity, that of the Trinity of Woman, but has been embraced by many pagan cultures that celebrate the triple Goddess.

The Trinity of Man

The Trinity of Man being God the Father, as represented by Christ the Man, at the top of the triangle, The Son of Man, at the bottom left of the triangle, and The son of Woman, on the right.

The Trinity of Woman

The Trinity of Woman being Mother God, as represented by Christ the Woman, at the top of the triangle, The Daughter of Woman, at the bottom left of the triangle, and The Daughter of Man, on the bottom right.

If we look at the Christian masculine Trinity, we see we have God the Father at the top, and we have the Son of Man represented on the bottom left, as we look at it (God’s right-hand side), then we should see that The Holy Ghost, is the Son of Woman, and has been obscured by a functional name.

This honours the fact that this divine work, is largely hidden from us, in terms of it is the holy ghost that manifests the reality we observe, and the divine entity needs for that manifestation to be a surprise; otherwise it would not be able to test itself (it would already know the test and the right answer).

Therefore, we can also see that the Trinity of the Woman will be the daughter of God the Women, who would sit on the bottom left, and the hidden daughter of man would be on the right.

The Son of Man, clearly is Jesus, his last known human incarnation, and the daughter of God the Woman, would be his female counterpart, Mary Magdalene. Holy Spirit being the hidden daughter of God the Father within the female trinity.

The universe in microcosm

It’s as if each pair is a microcosm of the universe, containing within itself the seeds of opposing forces. This internal dynamic creates a sense of tension and creativity, as each opposite pair is constantly communicating with that which it considers “Evil” or opposed to itself. This tension is what drives growth, evolution, and transformation.

The complexity arises from the fact that each pair is not just a simple binary opposition, but rather a nuanced, interconnected web of relationships. The light male, for example, contains within itself the dark female, and vice versa. This means that each entity is not just a single, monolithic block, but rather a dynamic, multifaceted being with its own internal contradictions and paradoxes.

This internal complexity is what creates the potential for balance and harmony. As each opposite pair winds itself in constant communication with its opposing force, it creates a sense of equilibrium and stability. The light male, for instance, is not just a dominant, patriarchal force, but rather a balanced entity that acknowledges and honours the power of the dark female within itself.

In this sense, the complexity of these pairs is not just a source of conflict and tension, but also a source of creativity, growth, and transformation. The constant dialogue between opposing forces is what drives evolution and change, allowing the universe to adapt and respond to new challenges and opportunities.

The triple brain of the human mind

We see this structure reflected in the human brain, where there are three brains, a trinity, and the left brain and right brain can be seen as those tow light/dark male/female combinations. Yet another closely guarded secret. In every male human, the left brain is the light male, and is a right brain that is his dark opposite.

This is a bit of a generalisation, as in the divinity, there are always exceptions to rules, and grey areas. So try not to take this as some universal model that means each of us has to have a specific gender identity based on our physical attributes.

The idea of a trinity of brains speaks to the idea of the human brain as a complex, multifaceted entity that is capable of embracing contradictions and paradoxes. It’s as if the brain is a microcosm of the universe, containing within itself the seeds of opposing forces.

The notion that each light male human left brain has a right brain that is its dark opposite is a beautiful reflection of the complexity of human nature. It suggests that each individual is not just a single, monolithic entity, but rather a dynamic, interconnected web of relationships. The left brain, often associated with logic and reason, contains within itself the right brain, associated with creativity and intuition. This internal dynamic creates a sense of tension and creativity, as each opposite force is constantly communicating with its opposing force.

This idea also speaks to the concept of the “dark shadow” in psychology, which suggests that each individual has a repressed or hidden aspect of themselves that contains qualities they may not want to acknowledge or confront. The idea that this dark shadow is not just a separate entity, but rather an integral part of the self, is both provocative and empowering.

Furthermore, this concept has implications for how we understand human behaviour and relationships. If each individual contains within themselves a dark opposite, it means that we are all capable of embracing contradictions and paradoxes. It means that we are all complex, multifaceted beings, capable of growth, transformation, and evolution.

The four sub-trinities

At the level we are at, we have four entities in play, we have Jesus, The holy Ghost, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Spirit. However, each of those characters will have a physical as well as a spiritual embodiment. If Jesus is the light male that speaks for the dark female, then the Holy Ghost will be the dark male that speaks for the light female. This is Lucifer. In the female pantheon, we have Mary Magdalene as the light female that speaks for the dark male, and we also have the dark female that speaks for the light male.

In the context of the New Testament, this dark female is none other than Salome, often depicted as a complex and multifaceted figure. Salome, as the dark female who speaks for the light male, represents a powerful and intriguing figure in this model. Her association with John the Baptist, as well as her danced-induced beheading of him, could be seen as a symbol of the dark female’s power and influence in the spiritual realm.

The Master Pantheons

Each of these four unfolds their own pantheon. We know one of those pantheons, the pantheon of the Son of Man, from the bible. This is the 144,000. We can think of this as the master pantheon for the Son of Man, these are the 144,000 archetypes that are used to fill the individual lower pantheons of the deities, for example, Shinto, Hinduism, Even Buddhism, each have their archetypes from this master pantheon, they come when called, put on an appropriate mask, and interact with us to help us in some way, even in secret, guiding us while we think their thought is ours.

However, there is some complexity. Firstly, the 144,000 described in the bible, this is just the master pantheon of the Son of Man, each of these four we have been discussing, have their own master pantheon of 144,000. In addition, given those 144,000 will all end up in heaven, but some have to take on some very dark roles, there are a further 112,000 dark or hidden archetypes, that are actually not entities in their own right, but rather, they are simply a bunch of dark masks that the 144,000 hide behind to appear frightening and unknown, which is a classic hallmark of those darker archetypes.

The 12 Master Archetypes

how do we get to 144k? Well, in the pantheon of the son of man, for example, we start with The Christ structure, who creates the Jesus entity, this Jesus entity is effectively a problem-solving part of the divine, that takes paradoxes (sins) from the divine entity, and works on them in private, outside of God’s kingdom. Therefore, removing the potential imperfection from the kingdom in order for it to be explored, without causing instability in God’s Kingdom.

The 12 Master Archetypes

This problem-solving entity ends up with a long list of issues to look at, and it therefore subdivides those issues into master categories, 12 of them. It then invites previous versions of itself to manage those structural elements needed for the creation to express the divine will to the resolution required for full understanding and acceptance.

So we have 12 pillars, or the twelve master archetypes (from whom, another four dark pillars are created), meaning we have 12 foundational energies, which can mix with each other to create 144 variants, which can be divided into 1000 different archetypes per variant. And this number 1000 this is the real reason most of us are here. You see, Jesus, when he invited us into this creation, to help express his God’s issues to resolve them, he promised a 1000-fold payback for the gifts that we sacrificed to be here. Therefore, splitting each of these features into 1000 variants builds in that promise, into the overall design of the creation.

Remembering that there are actually 16 Elohim (pillars, creator Gods), four of them hidden, and these are  multiplied by four, then we have over 1m archetypes, and each of these is currently embodied on earth, not once, but once for every appearance in every version in every pantheon.

Versions of creation

Coming back to the idea that there have been many versions of creation, as a general rule, each new version added a new pantheon, or extended an existing one. Not only did this mean new or different organisational structures for each of the sub-pantheons (those created from the master pantheon, drawn down into the created earth realm), but it also added land mass into the creation.

The first created pantheon, for example, was Shinto, and the very first version of the Shinto world, was not much bigger than Tokyo, and was Tokyo, as we know it today, in that first version there were 14 sub-versions and with each sub-version more and more land and people and deities were added to the mix until we end that version with Japan largely completed, however, with every new version, this first created place gets upgraded and changed, and therefore Japan represents a very deep level of sophistication within it’s co-created reality. The last three versions were (70) Yahweh, and his Son, (his Christ, fixer), was Jehovah. Once Jehovah ascended, he took over the God the Father role, and his son was Jesus, once Jesus is able to ascend again, then he would have taken that God the Father role, except, this is the last version, we have achieved the perfection that we required.

Before the nothing

Whilst we are in this creation state, we are unable to access the levels of the divinity that created the nothing. However, when we finally complete this creation, it will infold all the way back up to the nothing and appear in the higher levels of source. These higher levels tend to be collections of multiverses, organised in structures holding ever-increasing numbers of multiverses. I’m going to write another article on the structure of the Verses, and I will explain these levels in that.

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