My Ragnorak dream, messages from the gods – Seaopal

the signs, i saw in the sky the other,day, were reconfirmed, in my night visions, dreams,

the turtle dove, hebrew letter and number 7, 7 referring to 7 days, either at the end of 7 days, or lasting 7 days,  the hebrew letter, HEY ( ) divine breath, creation,
and the grey turtle dove, a symbol of peace, promise, also, the bird used in the noah, story. to search out a safe place to rest, the ark, after, the deluge.

A rogue planet, giant,god, that is aproaching, for retibution,
for the impending battle,
a universal battle of the gods, and man, the planets, being re-aranged, re-ordered,
the giant god planet, is a child planet still, not yet, fully developed, and full of hatred, frustration, and pain,
an undeveloped child of the greater gods, planets, the creation, of the masses, and their indesicivness and
confusions, due to misdirection, and misinformation, the new born planet, was seprated from his planetery parents
and bought up with darker influences, hense he grew up without love, his parents, tried to give him love, sending him, love in all forms, but he rejected them, hating them even more, as his core was blacked further.

tho i dont think i was shown the solution, at the end of the dream, i was taken, away somewhere safe to recover, in peace,
one of only a few of the planetry gods, left,
as in the myth, of ragnorak. only a few Asgards survived to start over

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