Source Flame Aspects – Who are Yours? Is one your Twin?
There has been a bit of a stir here at Awakening to the Truth of Self, people are reassessing their interpersonal and spiritual relationships due to new information that concerns us all.
The information in question relates to Flames, you see not only are their Twin Flames, we are now being told there are other Flames called Source Flame Aspects and these can be masculine or feminine.
The information is contained in Channellings from Ra through our own in-house mystic – Sepiroth and within step two of the System of One by Ra these Source Flames are explained.
These Flames can be in shadow or in light and can also choose to incarnate here on earth.
What this means is that not only do you have the possibility of meeting your Twin Flame aspect here on earth but also that there are other aspects that you are mysteriously drawn to in order to carry out your life’s mission.
The Ra text explains that our Source Flame Aspects come when the God-Thought that is Self splits into several fundamental components prior to entering into incarnation. One of these is your Twin Flame, but there can and often are other aspects of self that are created, other flames.
The notion that these can be in shadow add further light to the reasoning behind some of our interpersonal relationships, where you can be drawn to your arch enemy or the most intense rival.
Ra does not say exactly how many Flame aspects we have, it is probably another one of those areas where we are all different, but one things for sure, it make connecting to these Flames, bringing any in shadow to light is a big priority for the up and coming spiritual seeker.
You can read step one of Ra’s System of One for free at to read step two, where the Flame information is, you will have to join the System of One Group.