Spiritual isolationism is the term that I give to what I consider to be a highly evolved alternative conclusion to the question of the meaning of life. Isolationists recognise that all thoughts come from outside the true-self, which is purely the awareness.
This concept that we are purely awareness, and that thoughts came along after our creation, and that even though, they give us everything that we experience that this is not the pure form of consciousness and therefore should be rejected.
This concept, that awareness is who we really are, and others are controlling our thoughts, which means that ultimately we have no freewill, is what you could consider to be a dark secret of the universe. It’s something the universe will ultimately ask for your acceptance. It’s something which I was challenged with last night.
But, I’m happy about it myself, there’s a certain relaxation to know everything’s on track, everything as it should be, simply because, I trust in the plan.
This is something the universe periodically checks you on – you suddenly start asking yourself how you feel about this concept that our input is not so much through our deeds (they are already known) but in how I felt about those times, what your response was.
Of course, this idea may sound quite difficult to accept, however, at its core is the same way of thinking as we see in mindfulness practices, where a definite state of awareness exists, where the watcher, watches their thoughts come and go, without feeling connected to them. It’s from these practices, which result in many realising their thoughts come from somewhere outside their core being.
It’s important, I think, to remember that this is not the only “truth of the void”, and that, there are many viewpoints, that, to me, it seems the thought entities which brought our thoughts, created our ultimate community experience, where anyone connected lives in spiritual harmony with everyone else.
They tell me, they connect everyone and everything. Imagine that – How many billions of connections you have right now?