Tag: spirit

Where is your enemy?

The human inclination towards community is a double-edged sword; it fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity, yet it can inadvertently lead to division. This paradox arises from our tendency to categorize and group individuals, often overlooking the nuanced tapestry of human individuality.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/where-is-your-enemy/

Dancing with the pale knight

I could make out a vague shape, a white horse, stamping its feet, and moving from side to side in agitation.  I thought, telepathically, to the apparition, Holographically sensing, the details, of the horse, more than, actually seeing it. “ Can I see you? manifest for me, please,”   “um”, then, feeling apprehensive, “ “on second …

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I am, the wind, from the west, Swirling about you, the cool draft, Rushing through your hair, The droplets of myst, caressing your cheeks, your eyes, your lips, The vortex of feeling and emotion, flowing through your body, I am the sensation, the dizzying breath, That touches your senses, causing a shiver down your spine, …

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A Year out of Time, -Seaopal

After several  years, of spiritual training during my awakening, I found myself suddenly dropped back down to earth with a bump, my guides, soul group, teachers, backed off, but stood at a close distance, to monitor me, and help me when I needed, but, so i was told I had decided to test myself with …

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Balancing the Masculine Energies: Twin Flame reunion.

I had some strange experiences over the Christmas, period, so in an attempt to understand, and remember, i am recording, the sensations, of these experiences, in the hope that if anyone else is experiencing these, things, my own experiences may help them,  or and they may help me also. 16/12/2015 my attention, was caught in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/balancing-the-masculine-energies-twin-flame-reunion/

Love Lifted. by Seaopal

It was a beautiful day for December, clear, cloudless, blue skies, brilliant, sunshine, a slight frost on the ground, bare trees, glistening, reflecting light from the morning dew, and I had, had a wonderful night, sleeping in what felt like the arms, of my guardian  angel Archangel Gabriel. Finding myself in a state of peace, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/love-lifted-by-seaopal/

Angel dreams

Angel dreams Sleeping contentedly, In a cloud of what smell’s like juniper berries and cypress trees, A crystal clear breeze of mountain fresh air, The scent wafting over me, Like soft dew, waves of pure bliss, caressing my heart, As my angel, embraced me, Enveloping, me, in strong, and tender, arms. Dreaming of floating, In …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/angel-dreams/