Meditation Activation: fundation

Meditation Activation: fundation



I will explain you 1 energy meditation that activate particular energy flows that open different levels of awareness..


The first Group, the Foundations open your energy body and provide the foundation for the rest of the meditations. They introduce you to the basic human energy structures of the aura, chakras, Hara line and meridians.


We will start today with the first one:


_Prepare a quite comfortable space.


_Open sessions of meditation with the first meditation, the Spiral Pillar of Light, and keep it active during the session. (this creates a sacred space and stablish an intention aligned with unconditional love. It also keeps your own energy contained so that your attention remain focused.


_Use your breath to help move energy along the intended pathways.

Conscious breathing uses the diaphragm to breath into the lower abdomen. Use your inhalation to build energy and your exhalation to disperse energy. Vision the pathway you wish you activate being filled with your breath when you inhale. Vision your breath as light. You might find the light changes colors to activate different aspects of meditation.


_Trust your self. If the flow seems wrong for you, change it.


_Activation of these energy patterns can be done in a split of a second.

At first, you will need to use the directions to activate the patterns. Through time you will be able to activate the pattern by simply visualizing the pathway. Later, you will only need to think of the name of the pattern, or feel the need for one and it will activate automatically.


_Keep a journal of your experiences.

At the end of the meditation session, record what you felt, saw, sensed and experienced. You are making a library of energy experiences to guide your energy awareness. This is a guide not an authority.


_Pay attention to communications from guidance.

Communications may take the form of dreams, synchronicity, strong intuitions, a sense of knowing, abrupt new thoughts, unusual feelings, and body sensations, and also by more direct means such as telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or visitations. Do not discard any one form over another. Spirit spaks to each of us uniquely and personally.





(Adapted from a meditation of author/channel Barbara Marciniak)

Keyword: Centering


This meditation activates the boundaries of the aura, creating a powerful circle of safety and healing. The patterns pull energy in spirals from the heavens to the center of the Earth, creating a pillar of living light. This is the center of the storm: the winds are howling all around: within this space is calm and peace. It is sacred space, a place to go for connection, protection, renewal, and resolve. It is unconditional love.


            –Strengthens boundaries and promotes centering.

-Harmonizes the aura and supports spiritual alignment.

-Enhances inner strength and resolve.

-Promotes calmness, inner peace, balance, clarity and focus.

-Provides protection from unwanted influences.

Use to:

-Create scred space.

-Cleanse rooms, buildings, gardens, and so on.

-Enhances focus and clarity in times of mental exertion.

-Establish balance when feeling off center, overwhelmed, or in shock.

-Establish safety.

-Maintain your boundaries during chaos, comflict, or draining situations

-Contain and transform you own destructive projection.

Flow pattern:

  1. Sit stand, or recline.
  2. Visualize yourself standing on the Earth.
  3. Breath in deeply and with each inhalation, imagince cascading spirals of light descending into, through and around you.
  4. Visualize the energy filling and enveloping you as it descends into the Earth. See the light becoming a pillar of safety and healing.
  5. Imagine this spiral pillar coming from a specific source in the sky, a star that represents your spiritual Source and connection.
  6. While suspended within this spiraling energy, invite spiritual guidance to be present with you for the highest and best good. Let the source in the star be your spiritual Source-your star.
  7. Breath into this image: notice your feelings, sensations, emotions, and thoughts.
  8. Expand your inner strength and calmness with peace, focus, and clarity.
  9. Radiate your energy outward to meet the circumference of light.
  10. Merge with the spiral pillar of light, coming into alignment with higher frequency.



_Eliminate the spiral; see the energy as a pillar of light; or eliminate the pillar and imagine a cone of spiraling energy. Does one feel more comfortable? Does one have more energy, strength, or flow? What is activated in you with each?


_The descending energy can be any color you tune in to. Is there a colour your body is craving, a specific emotion you want to radiate? Choose the color that magnifies this emotion and create the spiraling pillar of light in that color.


_When feeling internal negativity, activate the spiral pillar of light to avoid projecting your emotions onto others in a harmful way, or hooking into their energy field and draining them.


_Let your projections of fear, pain, or anger extend outward to the edge of the pillar. Here they can be absorbed, transformed, and returned as loving self-accepcatnce and understanding.




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