Living in the Rainbow


19th Decemder 2017


Standing on the seashore, I waited and watched, as the water ‘s, parted, and the land bridge, rose out of the ocean, the waters trickling over the sides, of the ragged edges, like small waterfalls. It had been a while since i’d seen it, and I was surprised how old it looked, like an over grown, and unused railway track, the steep sides of the road, rocky, the green grass long and straggly, the yellow bricks, uneven and misplaced, but still glowing that wonderful antique , golden yellow, the rainbow, shimmering, in the sunlight, like liquid crystals, as the water droplets rolled off the bricks, and down the sides, of the steep, craggy banks.
I started to walk across slowly, thinking, it was not nearly as busy as it used to be, as I remembered, in the golden days, when multitudes of Angels, would be crossing over, to and fro, on their busy missions, now a few stragglers, struggling across, the old bricks, worn out and weary, from their work, like triumphant warriors, with a quiet almost forlorn, hopeful, and excited, antisipation, that our journey was nearly coming to an end, and we were finally homeward bound……… smiles,


12th february 2018

It was a Beautiful Morning, one of those Perfect Days, blue skies with fluffy white cotton wool clouds, and the sun raising, over the horizon. I was walking, with Frank our dog, enjoying, the fresh cool morning breeze and bird song, when we got to the 6 bar gate at the top of the hill looking over the fields and marsh, we stopped to admire the wonderful view, looking into the direction of the sun. When I noticed the dewdrops, hanging from the bars on the gate, they seemed to remind me of musical notes, in the way they were laid out, then as I was watching them, they were lighting up in turn, in beautiful, rainbow gemstone colors, one after the other, as if playing music,…. as i contemplated the drops of dew notes, lighting up in the sunlight, I was feeling, rather than hearing, the sound, vibration, through my heart, body, and soul, of the song they were singing, a glorious melody…. with such beautiful emotions and feelings, smiles, ♥


21st febuary 2018

The Early Morning chorus of the song Birds,
The Rythemic Rising of the Sun,
The Tinkling Tones of the Trees, awakening, and stretching,
The Chiming Bells of the hanging Dewdrops on the hedges, The Melodious sounds of Mother Earth, ringing in Rythmn.
The Harmonious Vibrations of Heavenly Love. ~ Seaopal ♥


11th April 2018

Feeling those rainbow beams penetrating chakra energy, it should last 24 hrs per beam ray…. (for me it started from Saturday evening 7th April…….) rosered, peachyorange, goldenyellow, limeleafgreen, plumblue, amethystpurple, rosemagentapink,

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3rd September 2018

Noticeing, the tinted toned colors that glow, around themselves? Its like looking through tinted glasses, the colors, tints, tones and shades change daily, or hourly, depending, on my frequency and vibration. Sometimes, I see pastel pinks green blue shades, and tones sometimes, vibrant shades and tones, most usually they are a rosy/pinky/ golds or lemony/lime/green/yellows, the other day a peachy/orange/cream in my field of vision all around me, or is it that I am looking through my own Auric, energy bubble……. Living life in the Rainbow, smiles,


6th September 2018

When I went into my bedroom earlier, my room smelt like mountain fresh air, rain and heather, mm lovely scent, I knew the angels were here with me, when I settled down to sleep, I felt comforted and calm, and slept well for the rest of the night.
When I finally woke up at 9 am, I had to take my dog for a walk, was a lovely morning, sun shining, through a hazy mist, but I was quite amazed, as I was walking, and looking at the heavy raindrops on the grass. The the raindrops were glistening and glowing, different colors like beautiful crystals, and as each raindrop, changed color I felt a wonderful vibration, of the silent music, they were playing, lifting my spirits, and gladdening my heart, making me smile. wishing I was able to actually hear the beautiful music, but the vibrations felt wonderful, and could imaging the beautiful sounds, smiles….. Seaopal

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