Self Actualise to Connect to your Divine Truth



Self Actualise to Connect to your Divine Truth

So it will be that in the kingdom of heaven the only truth that is allowed is divine truth, and what is this divine truth?

The divine truth is a collective truth, the truth of self that is god, and it is we who make up this collective truth, each and every one of us. But even here the term truth needs to be coached. Each of us has within us a divine truth of self, this is the eternal divine character of the creator self and was the archetype for your own individual self, and it is this truth that defines your eternal character, it is this “Angel” that is connected to you through all of your many lives in order to lay down the foundation of self, onto which you have built upon.

This is the “Truth” that everyone is searching for, it is the only truth because here, we live in a holographic projection of a universe, we play out our game of life, but when that all fades to nought it is the divine self that remains, and that remaining self remains in the heavenly state of knowing exactly what that self is.

When we die, our eternal soul returns to a place of part knowing. They understand all past lives and know the purpose behind this incarnation. They are therefore in a position to plan forte next life, in order to further that creational goal.

Moving up to this state of awareness is called actualisation, and self actualisation is a critical aspect of awakening, it have many layers.

There is also partial actualisation, where some aspects of some of the higher layers are understood.

The first level of actualisation is one-ness with the Oversoul. Once a person achieves that they are capable of knowing all aspects of all lives, this provides a useful understanding of their real life purpose.

The Next level of actualisation is often by connecting to source although there can be important stages prior to this depending on the individuals journey into their created self. The Source level self actualisation obtains a multi-dimensional view of the reality of creation.

The next major step is to connect with their Creator Being – the aspect of self that created self and as such sits both outside this reality and also outside of it – from the place that existed before this multi dimensional reality was created.

Again there can be other steps in this actualisation process, for example there can be a level of connection to the All That Is, with connections to the divine female.

This level of activation represents the highest level of actualisation that can be achieved within this Universal System, however, the system is a continuum and therefore once you are able to actualise to Creator level, you are able to bring yourself into other states of actualisation depending on where you choose to connect to within the Creator realms.

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