Self Mastery
Ego is just about the most wonderful thing going, it makes life easy for you and helps you be the person you want to be. I know some people say kill the ego but what they do not realise is that ego cannot be killed. It’s part of who we are in so many ways, if we kill it these functions just go into the shadows, and we all know what shadows do.
To me Ego is all about training, that is how you love ego, by lovingly showing it the way.
It helps to have a good sense of who you are, then you can really give ego the direction it needs, and you get that sense by going within and asking yourself the deep questions.
Regarding shadows and there is a relationship between Shadows (as in lost aspects of self) and ego since these Shadows often pretend to be ego if you are not mindful, and that can cause some difficulty.
So the answer is to look to bring all aspects of self out of the shadows and into the light; Take ego off it’s pedestal of false self and teach in what your true self is, Look within and bring those shadows of self into focus in order to have true mastery over self.
Knowing self, by finding all these aspects of self and learning how to love them is the first step towards true enlightenment. I wish each of us had this knowledge but the sad fact is that this simple truth has been suppressed and confused for the masses. What should be common knowledge leading to the freedom of all is instead overlooked and distorted by many.
So I ask you today to make sure you are mindful and to ask your friends to consider being mindful, for their and your wellbeing it is vital, the first vital step in my view.