Tag: Source

Dancing with the Devil part two – My dance with the Devil

One of the most difficult things to break, is the deep brainwashing we get from childhood. It’s such beliefs that can lead us to feel entirely justified in disliking and judging harshly aspects of the divine while thinking that we can love all of it.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/dancing-with-the-devil-part-two-my-dance-with-the-devil/

The Influence of the Archetypes.

fantasy, light, mood, archetypes

The Influence of the Archetypes. The archetypes are the divine essences of the Creator Beings – the light beings. They infiltrate our environment on many levels. This article discusses how they influence our soul, and our eternal character. The soul is the creation of the oversoul, but each individual soul has further influences which stem …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-influence-of-the-archetypes/