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Moving my hand gently over my heart, I entered the heart area…
Loving this area had been here severel times before in the past to heal and reco-operate, for me its like a living sanctum, a safe place smiles.
My inner Sanctum, its kind of like being in a huge cavern, deep within mother earth… inner earth, as i entered my inner heart sanctum, i was walking amongst ancient ruins, of a bygone time, and within these ruins, is a space like an overgrown garden forest, dark green foliage growing in tendrils down the walls of the ruins, in this forest area, amongst giant trees, were woodland creatures, and in the center, a green pool of water…
but this area had been closed and shut of for a time, the animals still and unmoving, the waters of the pool stagnant, the plants hanging lifeless, as I walked about I saw the water dripping slowly from a small aperture in the ceiling of the cavern, dripping gently into the still pool, as I watched the water dripped faster, and was larger, light penetrating through the hole, and sparkling onto the water, as it fell into the pool, the pool swirled into life, and teamed with life, fish and creatures, the woodland animals were animated and moved about the dark green foliage brightening, and growing lushly, satisifed this area was awakening and healing, I moved into the next room. smiling,
1 comment
Noticing that in this visual exercise…. room, everything was still and stagnating, which was showing me, my sadness, that my life seems to have come to a halt, and didnt seem to be moving or going anywhere…