Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,

Pexels / Pixabay

I worked on this chakra in two parts, first placing my hand over my lower throat upper chest, area…..
I found myself in what looked like an office, it was very gloomy dim and grey, everything stuffy closed off and very very dusty, chokingly so….
in the center of the office were desks with old fashioned, tyewriters on,
I noticed on all walls were windows, but they were boarded up, and closed, so I took down the boards, and opened, the windows, letting in light and air… as the air penetrated the room, catching the dust it swirled n clouds around the room like glitter sparkling and shining, the dust blew out of the windows, and the room glowed white with the glitter, sparking, about, the typewriters looked new with pristine, papers, piled next to them.
moving my hand a bit higher to my throat area, closing my eyes, I saw I was in what looked like a dim and very dry tunnel, there were what looked like stalactites hanging from the roof of the tunnel, as I reached up touching the roof oF the tunnel poking my finger through the soft, ceiling, it felt like snow, and made a hole, as light penetrated the hole I saw I was in what looked like a frozen glacier, tunnel, all around me was white blue, crystals, of ice, as the light flooded the tunnel,the ice started to melt, and the tunnel glistened, with crystal light, and became moist, again. smiles, phew, no wonder my throat had been feeling so dry, lol smiles

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Truth of Self Forums Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,

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