Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown

mskathrynne / Pixabay

placing my hand over my head and crown chakra,
I saw what looked like a flat brown hat, as I stepped over to the hat, the side grew up in points like a crown, and turned golden, then walking through the center, of the crown,
I found I was in a very dark park, on a cobbled pathway, the pathway was lined with trees either side and borders running along the edge of the path. as I walked along the path, there were paper chinese looking lanterns, that lit up on the trees either side of me, illuminating my path and way, the flowers in the border s bloomed at each step.
I noticed that the light never left me and stayed in a circled orb around me at each step I took, about a few feet behind and infront, illuminating my path but never showing me much more than my immediate area, and surroundings, I thought I glimpsed vague faces in the trees , smiling at me, guides guiding me and felt safe in the circle of light as I journeyed on through the darkness, along the cobbled pathway.

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Truth of Self Forums Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown

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    placing my hand over my head and crown chakra, I saw what looked like a flat brown hat, as I stepped over to the hat, the side grew up in points like
    [See the full post at: Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown]


    Only realized the other day that this was referring to me, living in the now, as i could only see a little way in front of me and behind me, the rest of my world still in darkness, usually when i have premonitions, its three days before, the event, this visual referred to me living in the now, and thinking ahead up to three days, also reminds me, i have my guides preotectors with me at all times, smiles.

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