Shadow Work …a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra

Ricky_Reimer / Pixabay

Again, I shifted my intent to the next room, placing my hand gently over my belly button area, taking deep breathe,s and relaxing, I drifted into my sacrel chakra….
I was in a pitch back room, it was so dark, I stood waiting for my glow to brighten so I could see, gradually I was able to make out the floor and walls, which were both pitch black, but the floor suddenly seemed like still water, like a lake.. in the center of the room, was an upside down umbrella, the tip dipping into the water, laying at an angle so the handle was in the air. the umbrella was faintly reflected in the dark still black water below it.
I noticed the folds of the the umbrella, were shades of brown and orange, as I watched and sent intent, the umbrella started to open and spin, as it did both the upper and lower, reflection, grew brighter, and glowed the waters shimmered and rippled with life. the oranges turning into beautiful autumnal colours of amber and gold, the surroundings stayed pitch black but I could see and feel the room was activated and healing… smiles,

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Truth of Self Forums Shadow Work …a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra

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