Tag: jung



The enduring presence of the Mother Goddess and the subsequent shift toward a dominant divine masculine can be traced throughout history, from the earliest goddess figurines to modern esoteric traditions.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-royal-siren-of-basil-valentine/

Jung quote of the Month – July 2024

This month, I’d like to do things a little different, and contrast a Jung quote with the myth of Medusa to see if we can gain greater insight into the ways of the collective consciousness, and the archetypes that it can bring to us.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/jung-quote-of-the-month-july-2024/


Syncretism, the amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought, has its roots in the ancient world.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/syncretism/

Navigating the divine flow

Just like any waveform, the divine flow swings from positive to negative as it ebbs and flows. Don’t try to exclude the negative, accept it, and you will find the ride much more truthful, and you will not get stuck.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/navigating-the-divine-flow/

The Kingdom Within

Jesus spoke of the Kingdom Within. This is related to, but not, the kingdom of God. Did any scholars realise this? Did any of them realise that the Kingdom of God holds many kingdoms, and each of us has a Kingdom within God’s kingdom?

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-kingdom-within/

Dancing with the Devil

The origin of Lucifer, The Devil, and the nature of love are profound topics that have been contemplated throughout history. The entirety of creation, encompassing all aspects of divinity, is deemed worthy of love, but what about those dark entities that haunt us?

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/dancing-with-the-devil/


This article delves into the intricate dance between sovereignty and isolation, examining the assertion that true sovereignty renders one impervious to the energies of others, thereby negating the need for isolation.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/sovereignty/

Our shadow is the last thing that has to be put on top of everything


Our shadow is the last thing that has to be put on top of everything, and that is the thing we cannot swallow; we can swallow anything else, but not our own shadow because it makes us doubt our good qualities.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/our-shadow-is-the-last-thing-that-has-to-be-put-on-top-of-everything/

Peeling the onion

This quote, by Jung, expresses the idea that self-knowledge is a difficult and ongoing process that requires overcoming one’s own self-deceptions and self-justifications.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/peeling-the-onion/

Hearing voices

In this article, we will explore how hearing voices can be related to Jungian shadow work, a psychological approach that aims to integrate the repressed or denied aspects of oneself into a more balanced and authentic whole.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/hearing-voices/