Tag: Enlightenment

Dancing with the Devil

The origin of Lucifer, The Devil, and the nature of love are profound topics that have been contemplated throughout history. The entirety of creation, encompassing all aspects of divinity, is deemed worthy of love, but what about those dark entities that haunt us?

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/dancing-with-the-devil/

Can you laugh your way to heaven?

An image showing a man surrounded by laughter, as he floats to nirvana.

The concept of laughter as a path to enlightenment or an afterlife, such as heaven or nirvana, is not a formal philosophy but rather a metaphorical interpretation found in various cultural and religious contexts.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/can-you-laugh-your-way-to-heaven/

Musings around Easter and the nothing that is something

An image that tries to convey the nothing deciding it was something. To illustrate an article investigating the same on truthofself.com

An article exploring some alternative philosophies and understandings behind the meaning of Easter, and the philosophy that there is nothing.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/musings-around-easter-and-the-nothing-that-is-something/