When a religion or community decides that God will no longer speak to them, this decision can lead to a spiritual stagnation, as new insights and understandings are viewed as disruptive.
Tag: christianity
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/if-a-religion-decides-there-will-be-no-more-prophets-are-they-commanding-their-god-not-to-speak/
Jul 01
Judgement and the God of the Bible
In Christianity, the concept that judgment belongs to God alone is rooted in the belief that only God possesses the perfect wisdom and justice required to judge human actions and intentions fairly. This idea is supported by various scriptural references which suggest that while humans can make judgments about behaviour and actions, ultimate judgment is reserved for God.
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/judgement-and-the-god-of-the-bible/
Jun 11
Matthew 4 – Satan tempts Jesus, reinterpreted
The story of the temptation of Christ, is a merging of three different visits by the devil, and the very last thing that happened was the testing for 40 days and 40 nights. I’ve tried to word it more accurately, but I too have distorted the truth, somewhat, to do that. To make it more understandable in the context of the original summarisation.
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/matthew-4-satan-tempts-jesus-reinterpreted/
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/memes-from-the-gospel-of-mary/
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-gospel-of-mary-magdalene/
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-hidden-role-of-lilith-and-those-other-dark-things/
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/characters-and-texts-omitted-by-the-christian-belief/
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-christian-concept-of-sin-and-the-mesopotamian-god-sin/
May 16
Christianity – Genesis
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/christianity-genesis/
May 14
The Rainbow Bridge to Heaven
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-rainbow-bridge-to-heaven/
May 12
Discovering the triple Goddess Brigantia
In this article, I hope to explore the Goddess Brigantia in quite some detail. Whilst there is very little information available to use directly regarding Brigantia, we can look at other Goddesses in related cultures, and draw parallels and comparisons that may help us clarify exactly who Brigantia was.
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/discovering-the-triple-goddess-brigantia/
Dec 19
The void explored
Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/the-void-explored/