Category: Christianity

Characters and texts omitted by the Christian belief

Throughout history, various figures and beliefs from pre-Christian traditions and early Christian sects have been omitted or marginalized in mainstream Christianity.

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Finding the triple goddess in the Bible

The concept of the Triple Goddess, embodying the archetypes of Maiden, Mother, and Crone, is a profound symbol found in various forms across many cultures and religious traditions. It represents the three stages of a woman’s life and the inherent divine feminine qualities of each phase.

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Dancing with the Devil

The origin of Lucifer, The Devil, and the nature of love are profound topics that have been contemplated throughout history. The entirety of creation, encompassing all aspects of divinity, is deemed worthy of love, but what about those dark entities that haunt us?

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The Christian concept of sin, and the Mesopotamian god Sin

The concept of sin in Christian theology is multifaceted, often associated with moral transgressions and a separation from divine will. The God Sin, a deity from ancient Mesopotamian religion, was the god of the moon, which governs the night.

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Christianity – Genesis

The Christian Creation myth, as recounted in the Book of Genesis, begins with the profound declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

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Christianity – Mothers Day sermon

The divine mother and her child

In the context of Proverbs 31:10 from the King James Version, virtue is often understood as the sum of qualities that define a person’s moral excellence.

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