You and a group of friends, decide, to play a virtual reality game, so you get together, and put on your virtual reality helmets, to enter, into the virtual matrix. In the game, you can’t tell who your friends/teammates are, they play different characters/roles for the game. In this game, your objective is to complete your tasks/ missions, to raise to the next level, at the same time, helping your teammates/friends, to complete their tasks and missions, as well.
During this game, you’ll only know your friends/teammates, from gut instinct, a feeling, the names, looks, avatars, will be different, for each task/mission, but each one will have their personality stamp and style, so you may also recognize them if your aware enough. When you do you’ll feel euphoric bliss, in that recognition. Every time you recognize your friends/teammates you’ll also raise to another level, so helping each of your friends/teammates to complete, the game also.
During this game, you will not remember, your
in a game, your physical self, unless you take a break, rest and your helmet, off, while out of the game your supporting, your teammates /friends, who are sitting next to you in the same room. and who are still in the game.
To complicate this game further, your also connected to a world wide network, of other players, and teams, that also, have the same objectives, making it harder to recognize your own, teammates/friends. As part of your own, tasks/missions, you’ll be working with them to help them also.
Oh i forgot to mention, our opponents, ..an overlook of mine, .. the dark ones, doing all they can, to deceive us, lie, manipulate, tempt and trick, us making our tasks/ mission s very difficult, but maybe alot more interesting, placing stumbling blocks in our paths, when we trip or sucumb, even temporarily, well drop a level, and sometimes have to re loop and start, over, for that task/mission.