Tag: suppression

Was Christianity in England changed during the Victorian period?

An image depicting the trinity of the father-son-daughter

I travelled to a church in England, where the vicar told me that the window I was looking at, contained a graven image of God the Father.

Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/was-christianity-in-england-changed-during-the-victorian-period/

Dealing with Emotional Attachments

Dealing with Emotional Attachments When we deny emotions and feelings from self, we find ourselves requiring those emotions and feelings from others, sometimes we demand the inverse, and so a person that denies themselves of love from self, will either demand it from others, or they will demand hate or dislike from others. This is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/dealing-with-emotional-attachments/

Knowing and Loving Self

The primary goal of a Selfist is to know and love all of self. This is not as easy a task as it might first seem, since there are many aspects of self that are hidden and also the untrained ego will be tempted to persuade the novice that the self is already loved. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://truthofself.com/knowing-and-loving-self/