Truth of Self

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Today’s Moon Forecast

Moon in Virgo

crescent moon buttonVirgo sign glyph symbol

Moon is traveling through conscientious Virgo today. Watch for nagging. You probably are correct, but say it nicely. Run errands and don't forget to floss your teeth.


Fun Facts

The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.


Sun in Taurus
25 degrees
Moon in Libra
0 degrees
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
10 days old
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill

Cosmic History

The chakra centers are the place where the phenomenal and the imaginal realms (the senses and the prana) join.

Cosmic History Quote
2024-05-18, day 17 of Moon 11, Spectral Moon (2 May - 29 May)

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The Christian concept of sin, and the Mesopotamian god Sin

The concept of sin in Christian theology is multifaceted, often associated with moral transgressions and a separation from divine will. The God Sin, a deity from ancient Mesopotamian religion, was the god of the moon, which governs the night.

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Peoples parents tend to turn them into zombies

The notion that parents can inadvertently lead their children to feel disconnected or “zombified” is a poignant reflection of the complexities of human development and the impact of familial relationships.

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Hekate, also known as Hecate, is a figure of significant intrigue and complexity within ancient Greek religion and mythology. She is often depicted holding a pair of torches or keys and is associated with crossroads, the night, and the underworld.

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People don’t know themselves

People don’t know themselves, and therefore do not know their goals. But they look around and, seemingly, everyone else does, and they have all these cool goals, like making their first million, so those empty people, copy the goals of others, and start the life of a sleeping zombie.

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