The human inclination towards community is a double-edged sword; it fosters a sense of belonging and shared identity, yet it can inadvertently lead to division. This paradox arises from our tendency to categorize and group individuals, often overlooking the nuanced tapestry of human individuality.
Category: Shadow Work
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May 29
Dancing with the Devil
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May 08
Suppressed Anger
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Aug 13
Spiritual DNA
There are twelve strands to the spiritual DNA, each one representing one of the archetypes, their energies and abilities. You are born with some aspects of these 12 strands initiated. Usually, not fully, but if you find that glimmer of ability, you’ll be able to work on it, to strengthen it. Many people have rejected …
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Aug 09
Confessions of a soul-split
My soul-split, from when I was seventeen, tells me that she first entered existence, and me, when I was nine. She says that she spent time preparing to be my spiritual caretaker, before taking her position as caretaker of my life on my 17th birthday. Over the next year she took away everything I denied …
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Jul 08
Hearing voices
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Jun 23
Barra at six-months
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May 27
A structure of self
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Sep 22
Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown
placing my hand over my head and crown chakra, I saw what looked like a flat brown hat, as I stepped over to the hat, the side grew up in points like a crown, and turned golden, then walking through the center, of the crown, I found I was in a very dark park, on …
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Sep 22
Shadow work a visualization exercise, part VI- September 07, 2020 Third Eye
Placing my hand over my forehead and third eye area, i closed my eyes, and saw, I was in a strange room… standing at the base of a huge dark step pyramid ship.. as I stepped onto the first step, neon lights on that step either side, lit up, as I progressed up the pyramid …
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Sep 22
Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,
I worked on this chakra in two parts, first placing my hand over my lower throat upper chest, area….. I found myself in what looked like an office, it was very gloomy dim and grey, everything stuffy closed off and very very dusty, chokingly so…. in the center of the office were desks with old …
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Feb 04
Ego and Soul Splits
Ego and Soul Splits During our childhood we have trauma that distresses us, we come to hate that aspect of self that we feel brought about that hurt to us and we seek to get rid of this. Without speaking, ego seeks to hide this aspect of self from us, so that we are no …
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Feb 02
Inherited Karma
Inherited Karma This next subject starts to introduce some aspects that readers may not agree with or understand, however I am going to write my thoughts on the subject and just “put them out there”, it’s the first time I have really wrote about the spiritual side of the individuals mind and as things go …
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