You are a sovereign being. Sovereign essentially means “self-possessed”, or in other words, you own yourself. Nobody else is capable of directing or governing your body or your mind except yourself.
Category: Mindfulness
For posts relating to mindfulness
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May 29
Dancing with the Devil
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May 16
People don’t know themselves
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May 06
How to think correctly
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Apr 22
Thinking yourself happy
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Nov 26
Training the Ego – 10 – More Insight on Recurring Negative Thoughts
10 – More insight on Recurring Negative Thoughts There can be many sources of repeating negative thoughts, the type I would like to discuss here are those that seem to have their own life and are brought about by severe breakdowns in a person’s character, often these seem to be another person talking to you …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego – 9 – Meditative Healing Journeys
Intuitive Healing Journeys through Meditation It is important to learn the ability to go on an intuitive healing journey while meditating. There are common issues people face in the form of fears that prevent or interfere with their true expression of self. An example I was recently giving advice about was the case of a …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego – 8 – Recurring Negative Thoughts
Recurring Negative Thoughts Once you have worked at being mindful for some time, you will become aware that there are some thoughts and feelings that you struggle to eradicate. These include anger, fear, depression, hate and various other negative thoughts and emotions that you would rather be free from. This is because most of us …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego 7 – Ego and Labels
7. Ego and Labels Ego works in a similar way with our memories of interaction as Internet search engines do with tags – web pages are tagged with a group of labels that make it easier to seek out common information based on looking up those labels. The major difference is that ego labels us …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego 6 – Working with Ego – Full Mindfulness
6. Working with Ego – Full Mindfulness Full Mindfulness As you work towards quieting the mind and increasingly study your thought processes you will find that you automatically start to become fully mindful and you will begin to work with ego in the way I am about to suggest. The Ego presents to you thought …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego 3 – Working with Ego – A mind without thoughts
3. Working with Ego – A mind without thoughts Now that I’ve laid out the basic principles of ego management it is probably wise if I look into the practicalities of working through this process, to give you an idea of some of the activities that you can do as practical exercises to help you …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego 5 – Living in the Now
Training the Ego – 5. Living in the Now An awful lot of people concern themselves far too much with the future or the past. Dwelling on these things often leads to anxiety or self-blame as one looks at past “mistakes” or future challenges in a negative light. Such thoughts are almost always undesirable and …
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Apr 28
Workings of the Mind
The Workings of the Mind Through these pages you have been given a basic introduction into working with your Ego and a few more advanced insights but what I would now like to do is go into a bit more detail as to how the mind works. Your mind is a sensory organ, it is …
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Mar 16
Creating a New You!
Creating a new you! Mindfulness is not just a way to happiness and self knowledge, it is a way to create a whole new you!. As you shake off the old way of being; the false self that society caused to you create, you get to discover yourself anew, only this self is your authentic …
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Feb 21
An Introduction to Meditation
An introduction to Meditation Meditation is typically one of two things, it can be a method of gaining deep relaxation, or it can be a method off focussing the mind on a topic, such as self introspection in order to lead one to find internal truths that were not obvious to the normal waking mind. …
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Feb 04
Ego and Soul Splits
Ego and Soul Splits During our childhood we have trauma that distresses us, we come to hate that aspect of self that we feel brought about that hurt to us and we seek to get rid of this. Without speaking, ego seeks to hide this aspect of self from us, so that we are no …
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Feb 02
Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations Meditation is a way of relaxation, it can also be a way of self exploration and also, through guided meditations it can be a way of reprogramming self. As we travel through life, we can easily learn or pick up some bad habits of the mind, thought processes that are not conducive, all …
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Feb 02
How to build a happier self! – Some useful methods to manage psycho-physiological states.
Energy, Emotions and the Past It is of deep importance at this time in human evolution for those committed to self growth to work on releasing and transmuting their own stagnated energies held within the body’s energetic system, created when we experience personal traumatic events. Unresolved personal traumas cause blockages, imbalance and leakages in our …
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Feb 01
Working with Intuition
Working with intuition Once you have cleared your mind of its clutter, there is room to start exploring self, and the way to explore self is through intuition. Intuition can be very difficult to tune into at first, since it is often the quietest of voices, particularly it seems in men. Women are often more …
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