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The tower card in Tarot

The Tower card in is one of the most striking and impactful cards in the Major Arcana, often representing significant change, upheaval, and revelation. It depicts a tower struck by lightning, with figures falling from it, symbolizing the sudden, sometimes shocking transformations that life can bring.

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Dancing with the Devil part two – My dance with the Devil

One of the most difficult things to break, is the deep brainwashing we get from childhood. It’s such beliefs that can lead us to feel entirely justified in disliking and judging harshly aspects of the divine while thinking that we can love all of it.

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Memes from The Gospel of Mary

Memes from The Gospel of Mary

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The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
(The Gospel of Mary)

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The hidden role of Lilith and those other dark things

Lilith is a figure shrouded in mystery and steeped in various mythologies and folklore

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Characters and texts omitted by the Christian belief

Throughout history, various figures and beliefs from pre-Christian traditions and early Christian sects have been omitted or marginalized in mainstream Christianity.

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Finding the triple goddess in the Bible

The concept of the Triple Goddess, embodying the archetypes of Maiden, Mother, and Crone, is a profound symbol found in various forms across many cultures and religious traditions. It represents the three stages of a woman’s life and the inherent divine feminine qualities of each phase.

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Sulis was a deity revered in the ancient Celtic religion as the goddess of the thermal springs in Bath, known to the Romans as Aquae Sulis, meaning “the waters of Sulis.” Her worship was likely rooted in the belief that these hot springs had healing properties, and she was venerated as a life-giving mother goddess …

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God’s 1000-fold Promise

I wrote this meme to convey a message I received recently from some higher beings. They told me that in their state of awareness, it was they that responded to the call of God and the creation, and it was they that had projected themselves into the world, losing their powers and becoming trapped in the reincarnation cycle.

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Dancing with the Devil

The origin of Lucifer, The Devil, and the nature of love are profound topics that have been contemplated throughout history. The entirety of creation, encompassing all aspects of divinity, is deemed worthy of love, but what about those dark entities that haunt us?

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This article delves into the intricate dance between sovereignty and isolation, examining the assertion that true sovereignty renders one impervious to the energies of others, thereby negating the need for isolation.

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The Christian concept of sin, and the Mesopotamian god Sin

The concept of sin in Christian theology is multifaceted, often associated with moral transgressions and a separation from divine will. The God Sin, a deity from ancient Mesopotamian religion, was the god of the moon, which governs the night.

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Peoples parents tend to turn them into zombies

The notion that parents can inadvertently lead their children to feel disconnected or “zombified” is a poignant reflection of the complexities of human development and the impact of familial relationships.

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Hekate, also known as Hecate, is a figure of significant intrigue and complexity within ancient Greek religion and mythology. She is often depicted holding a pair of torches or keys and is associated with crossroads, the night, and the underworld.

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People don’t know themselves

People don’t know themselves, and therefore do not know their goals. But they look around and, seemingly, everyone else does, and they have all these cool goals, like making their first million, so those empty people, copy the goals of others, and start the life of a sleeping zombie.

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Christianity – Genesis

The Christian Creation myth, as recounted in the Book of Genesis, begins with the profound declaration, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”

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The Enuma Elish

The Enuma Elish, also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation, is a Babylonian creation myth that originates from the ancient Mesopotamian religion.

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Without the water

Without the Earth, there is nothing to hold the water, without the water, there is nothing to contain the fire, without the fire, there is nothing, without the air, there is nothing to feed the fire.

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The Rainbow Bridge to Heaven

The concept of a bridge to heaven, often visualised as a rainbow, is a motif that appears in various religious traditions, symbolizing the connection between the earthly and the divine.

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A simplified view of how the brain works

Whether you know it or not, your intellect, ability for creative thought and ability to remember long-term memories, all involve a negotiation within your mind.

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