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Spiritual birthing, manifesting your twinsoulmate/twinflame , into reality, 16th july, 2024

A couple of months ago, I had a vivid strange dream,     I was communicating to my twin, in the womb, I could see us, like two embryos, side by side, male and femal

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I See…


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Tears of Tiamat

trance state vision in astral.

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Tears of Tiamat

I drifted into a light trance state, as I connected to a beautiful crystal consciousness, who took me on a journey…. we traveled through a wormhole, tunnel of light and colour, into space, into her memories, past planets and constellations, that seemed familiar, to a planet, that I recognized, as Tiamat Tiamat of the past, was destroyed, but fragments, had survived, and the crystaline consciousness, I had encountered, was a part of this planetery consciousness. she watched me looking deep into my heart and soul, desperate for me to see, and feel her. Taking my hand, she led me through caverns, of light, swirling ochre shades of pastel pinks, and creamy yellows, smooth walls, huge rock structures in carved curved circular, colour. till we came to a chamber of other beings….. They were tall, and glowing brightly, full of light, golden white, wearing long robes, with headdresses of gold, so bright I was barely able to make out their garment,s or features. I entered the chamber, some beings took me to a throne, sat me down, and treated my hands and feet, washing them and tending to them, clothing me in their own garments. As I relaxed and went into a trance within a trance, I could see written scripts, familiar text, of long forgotten language, in swirling charactors of light, as I was downloaded with the memories, and histories, of Tiamat’s consciousness. into my akash. We cried together, at the desolation, the destruction, the heartache, of her peoples, as I was overwhelmed with love and emotion… reassuring her, they were remembered, nothing is forgotten and they are… Eternally loved. – Seaopal

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Shadow Work a visualiization exercise, review- September 08, 2020

where im at now….

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Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown

placing my hand over my head and crown chakra, I saw what looked like a flat brown hat, as I stepped over to the hat, the side grew up in points like a crown, and turned golden, then walking through the center, of the crown, I found I was in a very dark park, on …

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Shadow work a visualization exercise, part VI- September 07, 2020 Third Eye

Placing my hand over my forehead and third eye area, i closed my eyes, and saw, I was in a strange room… standing at the base of a huge dark step pyramid ship.. as I stepped onto the first step, neon lights on that step either side, lit up, as I progressed up the pyramid …

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Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,

I worked on this chakra in two parts, first placing my hand over my lower throat upper chest, area….. I found myself in what looked like an office, it was very gloomy dim and grey, everything stuffy closed off and very very dusty, chokingly so…. in the center of the office were desks with old …

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Shadow work a visualization exercise part IV- September 07, 2020 Heart Chakra,

my inner sanctum, heart space,

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Shadow work a visualization part III- September 07, 2020Solar Plexas

looking within to heal and realign

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Shadow Work …a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra

looking within sacrel chakra, for healing, and realigning,

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shadow work … root chakra,- September 07, 2020

rescently…. been going through another… Dark night of the soul… so having to go within again, doing the inner work.. to pick myself up and heal…

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Book of puzzles

Shadow work , inner healing, meditation, visualization..

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Dancing with the pale knight

I could make out a vague shape, a white horse, stamping its feet, and moving from side to side in agitation.  I thought, telepathically, to the apparition, Holographically sensing, the details, of the horse, more than, actually seeing it. “ Can I see you? manifest for me, please,”   “um”, then, feeling apprehensive, “ “on second …

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I am, the wind, from the west, Swirling about you, the cool draft, Rushing through your hair, The droplets of myst, caressing your cheeks, your eyes, your lips, The vortex of feeling and emotion, flowing through your body, I am the sensation, the dizzying breath, That touches your senses, causing a shiver down your spine, …

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A Year out of Time, -Seaopal

After several  years, of spiritual training during my awakening, I found myself suddenly dropped back down to earth with a bump, my guides, soul group, teachers, backed off, but stood at a close distance, to monitor me, and help me when I needed, but, so i was told I had decided to test myself with …

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Living in the Rainbow

Noticeing, the tinted toned colors that glow, around themselves? Its like looking through tinted glasses, the colors, tints, tones and shades change daily, or hourly, depending, on my frequency and vibration. Sometimes, I see pastel pinks green blue shades, and tones sometimes, vibrant shades and tones, most usually they are a rosy/pinky/ golds or lemony/lime/green/yellows, the other day a peachy/orange/cream in my field of vision all around me, or is it that I am looking through my own Auric, energy bubble……. Living life in the Rainbow, smiles,

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The Dragons breathe

channelled poetic prose

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Dream symbology, rebirth.


Strange dream,  I can only recall, a part of it, that was quiet, vivid and stood out. A dark cloaked figure, with the head of a Jackel,  Anubis,  in his priest robes, he was standing, looking over a vast empty, but beautiful view, horizon,  then he vanished into the ground, leaving his robes in a …

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Night School… lessons in my sleep, re perceptions, experience’s

In my lessons, I was presented with these holographic, images, bit like those moving, double, pictures, prints, on wide screens. There was about five or six, i think, scenery’s, of different life experience’s. And I was asked to dive into each of  them,in turn,  and experience each one, which was a lifetime, of an individual …

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