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Jōmon Figurine Japan Final Jōmon period ca. 1000-300 BCE

The Jōmon culture of Japan and the Mother Goddess

inAll, Joman, Mother, Mother Goddess, Neolithic, Spirituality

The Jōmon culture of Japan and the Mother Goddess The Jōmon culture is one of the oldest and most significant prehistoric cultures in Japan, known for its distinctive pottery, early agricultural practices, and complex social structures. The term “Jōmon” refers to the cord-marked pottery that the culture produced, which became a hallmark of their society. …

Tel Halaf Terracotta Steatopygous Fertility Mother God Idol CA 5000 BCE

The Tel Halaf culture

inAnatolian, Archetypes, Bronze Age, Indus Valley, Iron Age, Joman, Mesopotamian mythology, Mother, Mother Goddess, Spirituality, Tel Half, Vinca

The Tel Halaf culture refers to an archaeological culture from the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age (approximately circa 6000–3500 BCE) that was centred in what is now north-eastern Syria, in the region of the Khabur River.

Jomon millennia The Japan Times

A Global Mother Goddess Cult?

inEnglish, Joman, Judaism, Mother Goddess, Religion, Roman Mythology, Sumerian mythology

A Global Mother Goddess Cult? As I have continued to study the “Venus” Mother Goddess phenomenon, I have begun to build a picture for the development of belief, from the Palaeolithic to the present. The picture that is emerging, could be described as follows, albeit, with the minimal knowledge I have gathered so far: “In …

A figure walking through a misty forest toward a sunlit meadow

Only the Brainwashed fear Brainwashing

inBelief Systems, Brainwashing, Buddhism, Christianity, Freedom, Individuality, Institutional Brainwashing, psychology, Religion, Selfists, Spirituality, Sumerian mythology, Unconditional love

Here’s my personal Quote for the day: “Brainwashed people are terrified of being brainwashed, and might “kill” you, to prevent you from speaking, to avoid that intense, internalised and denied fear. People who are not brainwashed, have no fear of the ideas of others. They broke their brainwashing and have their truth. It takes an …

What is the source of sin? How do the Demons get in?

inDissociation, Ego, Sin

What is the source of Sin? What is Sin, even? Well, it’s lies. It’s the lies we tell about ourselves, both to ourselves and others, which we then need to compound with other lies, to support those previous, until eventually, “drama” happens.

The Mythical Origins of Yoga

inIndus Valley, Natural and Healthy Living, Spirituality, Yoga

Yoga has a rich and ancient history that intertwines with Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions. Its origins are often traced back over 5,000 years, with roots in the Indus Valley Civilization (around 3,000 BCE).

The Spider Queen in Native American mythology

The Spider Queen

inAll, Cherokee, Creation, Hopi, Native American, Navajo

The concept of the Spider Queen, and the women who align with her archetype, reveals deeper insights into both mythological symbolism and the marginalization of feminine power in society.

An image illustrating the juxtaposition of two environments

Memory Loss, Ascension, and Dementia

inAll, social care

In the context of ascension and memory loss, one could argue that those who experience memory loss or cognitive decline might be undergoing a deeper, spiritual process of shedding their earthly attachments, just as some spiritual traditions describe the process of personal ascension.

Commanding God Not to Speak

If a religion decides there will be no more prophets. Are they commanding their God not to speak?

inAll, Catholicism, Islam, Religion

When a religion or community decides that God will no longer speak to them, this decision can lead to a spiritual stagnation, as new insights and understandings are viewed as disruptive.

An illustration of the confusion between the Second Coming of Christ and Armageddon

The confusion between The Second Coming and Armageddon

inAll, Armageddon, Christianity, Second Coming

While the Second Coming of Christ is clearly a spiritual event about salvation, it has been misunderstood or misrepresented by several Christian groups throughout history. In many of these teachings, Armageddon becomes synonymous with Christ’s return, emphasizing divine judgment and the defeat of evil rather than focusing on the message of love, grace, and salvation that Jesus brought.

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