This article delves into the intricate dance between sovereignty and isolation, examining the assertion that true sovereignty renders one impervious to the energies of others, thereby negating the need for isolation.
Tag: self
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Feb 05
The Many that Become One – Armageddon
So I am me, I recognise my awareness, this unique sense of Self. And yet, I am one of many emanations of a one-god. And once this universe is over, my consciousness, along with that of every other incarnated self of that one-god, will collapse back to the one-god, merge together as one. Could you …
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Nov 16
My Path Back to Self
Hi all, Here is a brief overview of my personal path to self. It summarises what I’ve found so far. I’m not trying to say this is your truth, only that this has been mine so far. I share, in the hope it might help. So first, challenge all learnt behaviours and understandings that you …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego – 10 – More Insight on Recurring Negative Thoughts
10 – More insight on Recurring Negative Thoughts There can be many sources of repeating negative thoughts, the type I would like to discuss here are those that seem to have their own life and are brought about by severe breakdowns in a person’s character, often these seem to be another person talking to you …
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Nov 26
Training the Ego 6 – Working with Ego – Full Mindfulness
6. Working with Ego – Full Mindfulness Full Mindfulness As you work towards quieting the mind and increasingly study your thought processes you will find that you automatically start to become fully mindful and you will begin to work with ego in the way I am about to suggest. The Ego presents to you thought …
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May 13
Awakening to the Truth of Self
Awakening to the Truth of Self The Truth of self is not the truth of self most people are used to, it is a deep understanding of true self that often takes years of self-introspection in order to obtain, This is the challenge all humans have; Obtaining an understanding of their authentic self when the …
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Apr 28
A Truth of Self
A Truth of Self As you work towards understanding self it is not uncommon for you to question the information that you are gleaning from your inspection of within. This is as it should be, you should always question the information you come across even when it comes from within. However, the reason why you …
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Mar 16
Creating a New You!
Creating a new you! Mindfulness is not just a way to happiness and self knowledge, it is a way to create a whole new you!. As you shake off the old way of being; the false self that society caused to you create, you get to discover yourself anew, only this self is your authentic …
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Feb 04
Ego and Soul Splits
Ego and Soul Splits During our childhood we have trauma that distresses us, we come to hate that aspect of self that we feel brought about that hurt to us and we seek to get rid of this. Without speaking, ego seeks to hide this aspect of self from us, so that we are no …
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Jan 18
The Unique Truth of Self
The Unique Truth of Self Within each of us, is a unique view of the divine; an enhanced understanding of the divinity of the universe and of self, this is what I call the Truth of Self. When a person is able to step outside of the social programming and distractions of society and take …
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Oct 26
Let Fear be Your Ally
Fear has a great deal to teach you. Fear is the experience of being disconnected from who you truly are; It is the opposite of Love. Fear can be a ally if you allow it to be; and just say, I am afraid. In continually doing this you began to to see you are not …
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Oct 25
Knowing and Loving Self
The primary goal of a Selfist is to know and love all of self. This is not as easy a task as it might first seem, since there are many aspects of self that are hidden and also the untrained ego will be tempted to persuade the novice that the self is already loved. The …
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Oct 22
Life Processes – Why most People are how they Are
Life Processes – Why most People are how they Are To anyone who is awakening what very quickly becomes obvious, is that most people who they meet in this world are asleep and ego bound in that they have learnt to exist by creating self through copying others. In this blog I would like to …
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Feb 03
From our guest author, Holly Fox. Yesterday I had the pleasure of receiving a hug from Amma, the hugging saint. I am not going to pretend I know what this lady is all about because I don’t. I will tell you what I gathered from this experience, from my perspective and that is—LOVE. What is …
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Dec 07
Self Actualise to Connect to your Divine Truth
Self Actualise to Connect to your Divine Truth So it will be that in the kingdom of heaven the only truth that is allowed is divine truth, and what is this divine truth? The divine truth is a collective truth, the truth of self that is god, and it is we who make up …
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Dec 03
Good Vibrations: How to Vibrate Happiness
From our guest author Holly Fox Humans are composed of mostly energy. How much is mostly? To answer that question, I will refer to my favorite physics fact: if you took all 7 billion people on this planet, all of our matter could fit inside a sugar cube. Yep. We could fit in a sugar cube. All …
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