Category: All

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An Introduction to Meditation

An introduction to Meditation Meditation is typically one of two things, it can be a method of gaining deep relaxation, or it can be a method off focussing the mind on a topic, such as self introspection in order to lead one to find internal truths that were not obvious to the normal waking mind. …

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Vision of Awakening to the Truth of Self

The Truth of Self is a website for those seeking to find and to share their truth of self, which is no easy task, for Selfism is a search for a unique truth, your truth. We have created this site to help, to encourage and to share methods and techniques of seeking within, to allow …

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Ego and Soul Splits

Ego and Soul Splits During our childhood we have trauma that distresses us, we come to hate that aspect of self that we feel brought about that hurt to us and we seek to get rid of this. Without speaking, ego seeks to hide this aspect of self from us, so that we are no …

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Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations Meditation is a way of relaxation, it can also be a way of self exploration and also, through guided meditations it can be a way of reprogramming self. As we travel through life, we can easily learn or pick up some bad habits of the mind, thought processes that are not conducive, all …

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Inherited Karma

Inherited Karma This next subject starts to introduce some aspects that readers may not agree with or understand, however I am going to write my thoughts on the subject and just “put them out there”, it’s the first time I have really wrote about the spiritual side of the individuals mind and as things go …

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How to build a happier self! – Some useful methods to manage psycho-physiological states.

    Energy, Emotions and the Past It is of deep importance at this time in human evolution for those committed to self growth to work on releasing and transmuting their own stagnated energies held within the body’s energetic system, created when we experience personal traumatic events. Unresolved personal traumas cause blockages, imbalance and leakages in our …

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Working with Intuition

Working with intuition Once you have cleared your mind of its clutter, there is room to start exploring self, and the way to explore self is through intuition. Intuition can be very difficult to tune into at first, since it is often the quietest of voices, particularly it seems in men. Women are often more …

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Structure of Belief Systems

The Structure of Belief Systems In a previous post, I spoke about how important it was to have an open belief system that enables new belief structures and understandings to sit alongside those already there. In this post I’d like to cover how these beliefs work to constrain and often filter our understanding of the …

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The Unique Truth of Self

The Unique Truth of Self Within each of us, is a unique view of the divine; an enhanced understanding of the divinity of the universe and of self, this is what I call the Truth of Self. When a person is able to step outside of the social programming and distractions of society and take …

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Following your Path

 Following your Path Following your Path There is often much discussion and disagreement about the path a person takes, so what is this “Path”, how do you get on it and can you take a wrong turn? In spiritual terms, the path is the energetic flow towards the future, it is the current “now” and …

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Heart Opening

The Human Illusion vs Integrated & Implemented Unconditional Love From our guest Author – Inanna Eanna There is a LOT of fancy vocabulary going around these days. So many people claim to have partly or fully integrated higher truths that they in fact never even fully have come to comprehend – it’s merely theory. Having …

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Dealing with Emotional Attachments

Dealing with Emotional Attachments When we deny emotions and feelings from self, we find ourselves requiring those emotions and feelings from others, sometimes we demand the inverse, and so a person that denies themselves of love from self, will either demand it from others, or they will demand hate or dislike from others. This is …

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The Role of Belief Systems

The role of belief systems Your world revolves around belief systems, belief systems are a critical and key part of life, they can allow a person to envisage new beliefs and understandings, but they can also constrain, and lead to avoidance of truth and also the misinterpretation of it. To any person seeking to find …

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Shamanism: Soul Splits and Soul Retrieval

In Shamanic terms, when a trauma causes the individual to reject an aspect of self, this is termed the splitting of the soul.

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Let Fear be Your Ally

Fear has a great deal to teach you. Fear is the experience of being disconnected from who you truly are; It is the opposite of Love. Fear can be a ally if you allow it to be; and just say, I am afraid. In continually doing this you began to to see you are not …

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Knowing and Loving Self

The primary goal of a Selfist is to know and love all of self. This is not as easy a task as it might first seem, since there are many aspects of self that are hidden and also the untrained ego will be tempted to persuade the novice that the self is already loved. The …

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Life Processes – Why most People are how they Are

Life Processes – Why most People are how they Are To anyone who is awakening what very quickly becomes obvious, is that most people who they meet in this world are asleep and ego bound in that they have learnt to exist by creating self through copying others. In this blog I would like to …

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SoulMate a duet by Seaopal and Marz

  Seaopal I feel a comforting presence, This presence, keeps me calm, Pressed up, against my back, Hugging me, in strong arms. A soothing, whispered voice, Invisible to the eye, But I can clearly see him, And hear his gentle sigh. Though a sea, lies in-between, The distance, it divides, we’re sending out our love, …

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You are here Home » Library » Modern Druidry Awen by Joanna Van Der Hoeven In Druidry, we learn often hear the word, awen, being used, but what exactly is awen?   Loosely translated from Welsh, it means flowing spirit, or flowing inspiration.  Awake to our own energy, and stretching out towards the energy of nature …

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  Let me wrap my arms around your neck, Press my body close, Skin against skin, The warm silken glow, as auras touch. Let me hold my breast against your breast, Our tummies close, our legs entwined, Your strength within me, pulsing passion, combined. Let our bodies melt, into the vibration, Our energies mixing together, …

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