Posts by category
- Category: A Day of Peace Campaign
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- Category: Roman Mythology
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- Category: Self-transcendence
- Category: Selfists
- Category: Shadow Work
- Spiritual DNA
- Confessions of a soul-split
- A structure of self
- Shadow Work a visualiization exercise, review- September 08, 2020
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown
- Shadow work a visualization exercise, part VI- September 07, 2020 Third Eye
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part IV- September 07, 2020 Heart Chakra,
- Shadow work a visualization part III- September 07, 2020Solar Plexas
- Shadow Work …a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra
- shadow work … root chakra,- September 07, 2020
- Book of puzzles
- Category: Shamanism
- Category: Shamans, Druids and Pagans
- Category: Sin
- Category: social care
- Category: Spirituality
- Category: Sprits and Spritual Experiences
- Category: Sumerian mythology
- Category: System of One
- Category: Tarot
- Category: Tel Half
- Category: Training the Ego
- Category: Truth of Self Talk
- Category: Twin Flames, Soul Mates
- Category: Unconditional love
- Category: Vinca
- Category: Yoga
- The Vinca Culture
- Sovereignty and the Authority Problem
- Marcion of Sinope
- Spiritual birthing, manifesting your twinsoulmate/twinflame , into reality, 16th july, 2024
- The God Marduk
- The Deified King Lugalbanda
- The Goddess Ninsun
- The Goddess Ninlil
- The God Utu
- The God Ninurta
- The Goddess Ereshkigal
- The Igigi lesser gods
- The God Nergal
- The Goddess Ninhursag
- The God Enlil
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- The Sumerian cosmology
- The Goddess Ishtar
- The Goddess Nammu
- The God Enki
- The God Anu
- The Citadel of Erbil
- The Geography of Sumeria
- The Sumerian reverence for rivers
- The Sumerian Cities
- The Sumerian City of Uruk
- The Beliefs of Ancient Mesoptamia
- The Anunnaki and the birth of the cabal
- Blood Sacrifice anyone? Have some black pudding!
- Syncretism in early Christianity
- Jung quote of the Month - July 2024
- Continuity of custom in spiritual and religious practices
- Syncretism
- Judgement and the God of the Bible
- Carl Jung Quote of the Month - June 2024
- The Day of Peace Campaign
- Shadow Beings
- Primordial Goo and the Mother of Creation
- The Egyptian Goddess Neith
- The Psychological Ego vs The Spiritual Ego
- The concept of paradise as a walled garden
- The nature of sin, and the trouble with interpretation
- Gratitude in the moment
- Navigating the divine flow
- Where is your enemy?
- Matthew 4 - Satan tempts Jesus, reinterpreted
- Christ Consciousness and Unconditional Love
- The Kingdom Within
- The tower card in Tarot
- Dancing with the Devil part two - My dance with the Devil
- Memes from The Gospel of Mary
- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
- The hidden role of Lilith and those other dark things
- Characters and texts omitted by the Christian belief
- Finding the triple goddess in the Bible
- Sulis
- God's 1000-fold Promise
- Dancing with the Devil
- Sovereignty
- The Christian concept of sin, and the Mesopotamian god Sin
- Peoples parents tend to turn them into zombies
- Hekate
- People don't know themselves
- Christianity - Genesis
- The Enuma Elish
- Without the water
- The Rainbow Bridge to Heaven
- A simplified view of how the brain works
- Norse mythology
- The Heavens - A to Z
- The master pantheons of God
- The Victorian rediscovery of the Goddess Brigantia
- Discovering the triple Goddess Brigantia
- Christianity - Mothers Day sermon
- Gratitude in nature
- Wicca
- Some thoughts on the structure of the divinity
- Suppressed Anger
- Knowing the divinity some refer to as God
- Can you laugh your way to heaven?
- Was Christianity in England changed during the Victorian period?
- How to think correctly
- The Ultimate Answer - The Story of the nothing - Part One
- Thinking yourself happy
- The flow of our wounds - structure of the dissociative process
- Theorising on hate
- Musings around Easter and the nothing that is something
- Working through the Ultimate Question
- Articles
- Thought Entities
- Latest revelations on the nature of God and the universe
- The void explored
- Banach Tarski Theorem
- Thoughts on Zukav
- What is life?
- Self-Transcendence Research
- Stop projecting your shadow!
- Our shadow is the last thing that has to be put on top of everything
- We are all one
- Spiritual Isolationists
- Spiritual DNA
- Confessions of a soul-split
- The Influence of the Archetypes.
- Ego Death
- People pleasing
- Ghosts
- Peeling the onion
- The ego and self
- Ouroboros
- Hearing voices
- The inner-child
- What is Self-blame?
- Spiritual Bypass
- Barra at six-months
- A structure of self
- Intra-personal Self-transcendence
- The Multiplexed Mind of God
- Mental Illness and Trauma - The confessions of a paranoid Schizophrenic
- The Many that Become One - Armageddon
- Everything that exists is a subdivision of Gods soul
- What is your sense of "Self"?
- Lords Prayer
- The 25 Densities of this Universal Model
- What Starts Ascension
- 1 Corinthians 15 BHT with Notes
- The Time-Sliced, Interpolated Multiverse
- Prophesy 1 - 30-08-22
- Shadow Work a visualiization exercise, review- September 08, 2020
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part VII- September 07 2020 Crown
- Shadow work a visualization exercise, part VI- September 07, 2020 Third Eye
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part V- September 07, 2020 Thymus and throat,
- Shadow work a visualization exercise part IV- September 07, 2020 Heart Chakra,
- Shadow work a visualization part III- September 07, 2020Solar Plexas
- Shadow Work ...a visualization exercise- September 07, 2020 Sacrel Chakra
- shadow work ... root chakra,- September 07, 2020
- Book of puzzles
- Greetings from Anthony Challier
- Cosmic awakening + incarnating awakening
- This is a test
- Living in the Rainbow
- The Dragons breathe
- Numbness... Please Set Me Free
- Spiritual Prejudice
- Barrier Work Basics -- Energy Field Awareness Meditaion
- Dream interpretating: "The meeting"
- Ancient Peru
- Group Meditation for the Awakening of Humanity to it's True Authentic Self
- Harness the Power of your Mind
- Amazing White Northern Lights seen in Finland
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- Cancer Cured in Three Minuutes!
- Quantum Theory Proves Consciousness Moves To Another Universe After Death
- Let Fear be Your Ally
- 'Inner Medicine' (Revolutionary understanding of the virtues and character impr.
- Are You Unknowingly Part of the “Cosmic Call to Action?
- Life Processes - Why most People are how they Are
- Stonehenge 'was a prehistoric centre for rock music': Stones sound like bells
- Biology of Kundalini Awakening
- How to build a happier you! - Some useful methods to manage psycho-physiological states.
- How to build a happier self! - Some useful methods to manage psycho-physiological states.
- SoulMate a duet by Seaopal and Marz
- SoulMate a duet by Seaopal and Marz
- 13 Health benefits of Black Seed Oil
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- Garlic, The Natural Cure
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 5 Key Skills for Raising Emotional Intelligence
- Cool Meditation Track
- Sonic Geometry
- One
- This is how they broke our grandmothers
- Hey Everyone
- Check Your Values: What Do You Value Over Happiness?
- The Game of Life ... an analogy by Seaopal
- Balancing the Masculine Energies: Twin Flame reunion.
- truth of self
- How To Understand And Create Your Reality
- Self Actualisation
- Dream premonition or symbolic?
- Self Mastery
- Sound Meditation by Book of Seth
- Love Lifted. by Seaopal
- Love Lifted. by Seaopal
- Angel dreams
- Self Actualise to Connect to your Divine Truth
- Guided Meditation Class by Ajahn Brahm Youtube Video
- Be True to yourself
- Hello
- Good Vibrations: How to Vibrate Happiness
- Good Vibrations: How to Vibrate Happiness
- Something strange about life here on earth
- Wrote a free book called "A Letter From My Ego"
- The Shadow Being
- The Shadow Being
- My Ragnorak dream, messages from the gods - Seaopal
- Ra via Tyr 22/11/2015 Psychic Defence
- We are One
- We are One
- Source Flame Aspects - Who are Yours? Is one your Twin?
- Singing the word Hu
- Ra through Tyr 20112015 Ra on Harmonic Soul Splits
- Meeting your Inner Child
- Rediscovering the Healing Temples of Saqqara
- Souls
- Gaia's Lament - Seaopal
- Gaia's Lament - Seaopal
- How to Save the World
- How to Save the World
- what your soul wants you to know
- Color Meanings, Healing Properties, Zodiac, Personality, Chakras
- Heart Opening
- Awakening to the Truth of Self
- A Year out of Time, -Seaopal
- A Year out of Time, -Seaopal
- Dancing with the pale knight
- A Truth of Self
- A Truth of Self
- The Workings of the Mind
- In Harmony with the Ego and True Self.
- Enduring the Dark Night of the Soul
- Free NLP Training: Law of Attraction - Vibrational Alchemy
- Art of exorcism
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- What does Quantum Physics have to do with Spirituality? Everything!
- Creating a New You!
- How Drumming Heals The Body, Mind And Soul
- The Gundestrup Cauldron
- Crop circles emerge in Russia's Samara region
- Easter Island Excavations reveal bodies beneath the heads
- Crystal Grids for Protection
- Violet Flame Protection
- 7 Basic Psychic Self Defense and Energy Protection Techniques
- How to Use Smoke to Cleanse Negative Energies
- NASA releases images of enormous 8,000-year-old patterns
- The Ego
- Moons and their meanings
- Guided Meditations
- The Difference Between Twin Souls and Soul Mates
- Twin Souls Merging – When Our Souls Merge Together
- Twin Flames and the Journey of Life
- Crop Circle Videos 2015
- Daan Van Kampenhout - 'Shamanic Rituals' - Interview by Renate McNay
- Love deeply so you can rise higher
- Does Crop Formation T367 Point To October and December 2015? By Frank Hoogerbeet
- An Introduction to Meditation
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- Mysterious Crop Circles Appear Over Mexico
- Transcendental Meditation Technique (Don't Pay $1000+)
- A time comes in your life when you finally get it. This is your awakening
- What is Self?
- Etchilhampton, Devizes UK
- Spiral Circle pattern
- Brazil - Prudentopolis
- Hello and Introduction of Moonbaby
- Awakening from the Matrix
- Underground City In The Grand Canyon Was Documented In 1909
- Taj Mahal Gardens Found to Align with the Solstice Sun
- Alan Watts - Is Life a Dream
- "Way of the Shaman" (Bruised ego's, undealt with energies and more)
- Can you feel an energetic psychic attack?
- How Negative Thoughts Can Mislead Us Into Thinking They’re Positive
- Are Those Negative Thoughts Actually Yours?
- Göbeklitepe in Turkey
- The Spiritual Ego Trap
- Self Actualisation
- Inherited Karma
- The Effects Of Negative Emotions On Our Health
- Why It’s Important To Understand Your Dark Side
- Training the Ego - 10 - More Insight on Recurring Negative Thoughts
- Training the Ego - 8 - Recurring Negative Thoughts
- What is Shadow Work - Teal Swann
- Jung: on the shadow
- Essential Secrets of Psychotherapy: What is the "Shadow"?
- Training the Ego - 9 - Meditative Healing Journeys
- Healer Within 1 - BK Shivani (English)
- Training the Ego 6 - Working with Ego - Full Mindfulness
- Shamanism: Soul Splits and Soul Retrieval
- The Ego is the Source of Suffering AND Contentment
- Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. UK
- Is The Ego-Program Running You?
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- Meeting Our Past Selves Outside of Time
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- Structure of Belief Systems
- The Myth and Enduring Mystery of the Carnac Stones
- Ancient Greece - History and Culture of Minoan Crete
- The Role of Belief Systems
- The Mystery of the Four Golden Hats of the Bronze Age
- What Is Your Energy Saying To You?: Tips and Tools
- Training the Ego 7 - Ego and Labels
- Awareness, The Key To Awakening
- What Is Awakening ? By Eckart Tolle
- Healing our Inner Child
- 3,400-Year-Old Underwater Temple from Era of Thutmosis III Discovered near Cairo
- Mystery of Jordan's Big Circles
- Brazil, Ipuacu
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- Halloween? It’s more than trick or treat
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- Josh Rogan - What is Reality?
- Scientists have identified some of the earliest cave paintings produced by human
- The Unique Truth of Self
- Earth in True Perspective
- Halley's Comet is coming back to the skies this month after almost 30 years
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- The study of Lucid Dreams
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- 20 minute Guided Mindfulness Exercise
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- New Feature - A bi-lingual site
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- The Celtic Zodiac
- Training the Ego - 5. Living in the Now
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- Quantum Communication
- How to Build Immunity to Other People’s Control Dramas
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- Understanding the Spirit World
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- Training the Ego 4 - Working with Ego - Starting to be Mindful
- 4. Working with ego – Starting to be Mindful
- UK - Ark Lane, Essex
- Charlie Morley - Lucid Dreaming,Embracing Nightmares
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- The Truth of Self – a Selfists Bible
- Josh Reeves - Quest for the Lost Secrets of Ancient America Continues
- Chi Healing - Mingtong at Chi Center, California
- UK - Ackling Dyke, Dorset
- UK - Ironwell Lane, Essex
- New moon in Virgo 25th of August 2014
- The most important in the Twin Flame journey is the journey within
- Daily Prayers
- 10 Signs That You have found Your Soul Mate....
- My Truth is not your Truth; Let's celebrate that!
- My Truth is not your Truth; Let's celebrate that!
- Experts: Just 9 of These a Day Can ‘Bust Stress Levels’ Read more: https://natur
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- Embracing Your Shadow Self
- “13 Health Benefits of Indian Snake Root” by Dr Paul Haider
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- USA Crop Circles
- UK - Cowdown, Nr East Kennet, Wiltshire
- UK - Green St, Near Avebury, Wiltshire
- Richard Dawkins: 'immoral' to allow Down's syndrome babies to be born
- UK - Nettle Hill, Warwickshire
- Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology with Belief
- Soul Agreements
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- 10 Things you did not know about Lucid Dreams
- Spirit Science
- DMT: Gateway to a parallel Universe?
- 10 Budda Mutras to practice in everyday life
- The power of the Subconcious Mind
- Science of the Heart
- Increasing your Responsineness to Meditation with Diet
- The Breathing in Energy Healing
- Liberating Reiki Myths
- Sending a #Healing Humming Ball
- The Gift of The Silver Violet Flame
- So what is a "Selfist"?
- Soul Retrieval
- "Where the light is brightest the shadow runs wild"
- Tarot Card - The Devil by James Rioux
- Shadow-Underworld Totems
- The Shadow Self and Essences
- Getting through the Dark Night of the Soul
- THe light of Darkness
- Use tapping to clear self sabotage
- What is Shadow Work? How should I do Shadow Work?
- Clearing Physical Pain
- Self Love Visualisation
- Healing the Shadow by Sabrina Reber
- Delete Relationship Pain
- The Pain Body
- Healing the emotions
- The Mahatma Energy
- Forthcoming system upgrades
- Technical Support and suggestions
- Training the Ego 3 - Working with Ego - A mind without thoughts
- 3 - Working with Ego - A mind without thoughts
- 2 - Training your Ego
- Crop Circle, Gussage St Andrews, August 2014
- Froglessness
- Training the Ego 2 - Training your Ego
- 1 -What is Ego?
- God Consciousness
- Crop Circles
- Training the Ego 1 - What is Ego?
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